1 |
An inequality for latent roots of a matrix applied to determinants with dominant main diagonal. J. London Math. Soc., 28 (1953), 8-20. |
2 |
Theorems on normal matrices, Quarterly J. Math., (2), 3, 1952, 241-249. |
3 |
Regions of exclusion for the latent roots of a matrix. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 5 (1954), 320-322. |
4 |
A pair of matrices with property P. Amer. Math. Monthly, 62 (1955), 247-249. |
5 |
Pairs of matrices with non-zero commutator (with L. S. Goddard). Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 51 (1955), 551-553. |
6 |
The elementary divisors associated with 0 of a singular M-matrix, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2), 10 (1956), 108-122. |
7 |
A matrix problem concerning projections, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., (2), 10 (1956), 129-130. |
8 |
Characteristic polynomials, Canadian Math. J., 9 (1957), 60-67. |
9 |
The group membership of a polynomial in an element algebraic over a field (with W. E. Barnes), Archiv. Math., 8 (1957), 166-168. |
10 |
Matrix norms applied to weakly ergodic Markov chains (with J. L. Mott), Archiv. Math., 8 (1957), 331-333. |
11 |
Note on the fundamental theorem on irreducible non-negative matrices, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., 11 (1958), 127-130. |
12 |
Matrix algebras and groups relatively bounded in norm (with J. L. Mott), Archiv. Math., 10 (1959), 1-6. |
13 |
Hyperplanes and prime rings (with E. C. Posner), Archiv. Math., Vol. 11 (1960), 322-326. |
14 |
Bounds for the maximal characteristic root of a non-negative irreducible matrix (with A. Ostrowski) Duke Math. J., 27 (1961), 547-553. |
15 |
Completely simple inverse semigroups (with R. McFadden), Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 57 (1961), 234-236. |
16 |
Group membership in rings and semigroups (with G. O. Losey), Pac. J. Math. 11 (1961), 1089-1098. |
17 |
Some theorems on the inertia of general matrices (with A. Ostrowski), J. Math. Analysis and Appl. 4 (1962), 72-84. |
18 |
Comparison theorems for supremum norms (with G. Strang), Numerische Math. 4 (1962), 15-20. |
19 |
Inertia theorems for matrices: the semidefinite case (with D. Carlson), Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 68 (1962), 479-483 and J. Math. Analysis and Appl. 6 (1963), 430-446. |
20 |
Idempotents in group rings (with W. Rudin), Duke Math. J. 31 (1964), 585-602. |
21 |
The decomposition of cones in modules over ordered rings (with M. N. Bleicher), J. Algebra 1 (1964), 233-258. |
22 |
Matrices similar over a Zariski open set (with J. Ohm), Math. Zeitschr. 84 (1964), 373-381. |
23 |
The Bauer field of values of a matrix (with N. Nirschl), Num. Math. 6 (1964), 353-365. |
24 |
Recent advances in matrix theory, (Editor), Wisconsin Press (1965). |
25 |
Positive operators and an inertia theorem, Num. Math. 7 (1965), 11-17. |
26 |
Principle loop isotopes of quasigroups (with B. F. Bryant), Canad. J. Math. 18 (1966), 120-125. |
27 |
Topological aspects of Sylvester's theorem on the inertia of Hermitian matrices, Amer. Math. Monthly 73 (1966), 817-821 and Sel. Pap Alg. MAA (1977), 339-343. |
28 |
Completions of partially ordered sets and universal algebras (with M. N. Bleicher), ACTA. Math. Acad. Sci. Hungarecai, 17 (1966), 271-301. |
29 |
The diagonal equivalence of a non-negative matrix to a stochastic matrix (with R. Brualdi and S. Parter), J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 16 (1966), 31-50. |
30 |
Group rings, semigroup rings and their radicals (with J. Weissglass), J. of Algebra, 5 (1967), 1-15. |
31 |
Matrices and Linear Algebra (with G.P. Barker), Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968, (385 pages), 2nd Ed., 1973, republished Dover, 1989. |
32 |
The numerical range of a continuous mapping of a normed space (with F. Bonsa ll, Bryan Cain), Aequationes Math., 2 (1968), 86-93. |
33 |
Completely O-simple semigroups: An abstract treatment of the lattice of congruences (with K. Kapp). W. A. Benjamin, Inc., 1969, (110 pages). |
34 |
The spectrum of a non-linear operator associated with a matrix (with M. V. Menon). J. Linear Algebra and Appl. 2 (1969), 321-334. |
35 |
Bound Norms, J. Linear Algebra and Appl., 3 (1970), 11-21. |
36 |
Linear Mathematics (with F. Brauer and J. Nohel), W. A. Benjamin, Inc., 1970, 347 pages. |
37 |
Cross-positive Matrices (with M. Vidyasagar). J. SIAM Num. Anal. 7 (1970), 508-519. |
38 |
The permanence of identities on algebras (with M. N. Bleicher and R. Wilson), (MRC 1339), Alg. Univ. 3 (1973), 72-93. |
39 |
Positive eigenvectors of order preserving maps (with R.E.L. Turner). J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 37 (1973), 506-515. |
40 |
Matrices Hermitian with respect to an absolute norm (with R.E.L. Turner). Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1 (1973), 9-31. |
41 |
Inequalities for determinants and permanents (with G. M. Engel). Linear and Multilinear Algebra (1973), 187-201, MRC #1288. |
42 |
Cyclic and diagonal products on a matrix (with G. M. Engel). Linear Algebra and Appl. 7 (1973), 301-335, MRC #1292. |
43 |
Diagonal norm-Hermitian matrices (with R.E.L. Turner). Linear Algebra and Appl. 8 (1974), 375-412, MRC #1303. |
44 |
Positive operators on the n-dimensional ice-cream cone (with R. Loewy). J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 9 (1975), 375-412, MRC #1346. |
45 |
Primes in the semigroup of non-negative matrices (with D. Richman), Linear Multilinear Alg. 2 (1974), 135-140. |
46 |
Bounded groups and norm-Hermitian matrices (with E. Deutsch), Lin. Alg. and Appl. 9 (1974), 9-37, MRC #1349. |
47 |
Diagonal similarity and diagonal equivalence for matrices over groups with 0 (with G. M. Engel), Czech. Math. J., 25(100), (1975), 387-403. |
48 |
Algebraic Perron-Frobenius Theory (with G. P.. Barker), Lin. Alg. and Appl. 11 (1975), 219-233. |
49 |
Indecomposable cones (with R. Loewy), Lin. Alg. and Appl. 11 (1975), 235-245. |
50 |
The Fuglede-Putnam theorem and normal products of matrices (with E. Deutsch and P. M. Gibson), Lin. Alg. Appl. 13 (1975), 53-58. |
51 |
On the geometry of dual pairs (with B. E. Cain and B. D. Saunders), Studies in Appl. Math. 56 (1977), 71-79. |
52 |
The Hadamard-Fischer inequality for a class of matrices defined by eigenvalue monotonicity (with G. M. Engel), Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 4 (1976), 155-176. |
53 |
A symmetric numerical range for matrices (with B. D. Saunders), Num. Math. 26 (1976), 99-105. |
54 |
On the singular graph and the Weyr characteristic of an M-matrix (with D. J. Richman), Aequ. Math. 17 (1978), 208-234. |
55 |
The concepts of irreducibility and full indecomposability of a matrix in the works of Frobenius, Knig and Markov, Lin. Alg. and Appl. 18 (1977), 139-162. |
56 |
The Birkhoff-Egervary-K"onig Theorem for matrices over lattice ordered groups, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar, 30 (1977), 91-94. |
57 |
Olga Taussky-Todd's influence on matrix theory and matrix theorists, Lin. Multilin. Alg. 5 (1977), 197-224. Greek transl. in Math. Epitheorisi, N. S. 18 (1980), 107-152. |
58 |
Flows on graphs applied to diagonal similarity and diagonal equivalence for matrices (joint with B. D. Saunders), Discr. Math. 24 (1981), 205-220. |
59 |
Cones, graphs and optimal scalings of matrices (joint with B. D. Saunders), Lin. Multilin. Alg., 8 (1979), 121-135. |
60 |
Characterizations of optimal scalings of matrices (joint with U. G. Rothblum), Math. Progr. 19 (1980), 121-136. |
61 |
Applications of the Gordon-Stiemke Theorem in combinatorial matrix theory (joint with B. D. Saunders), SIAM Rev., 21 (1979), 528-541. |
62 |
Matrices diagonally similar to a symmetric matrix (with G. M. Engel), Lin. Alg. Appl., 29 (1980), 131-138. |
63 |
The growth of powers of a non-negative matrix (with S. Friedland), SIAM J. Alg. Disc. Methods 1 (1980), 185-200. |
64 |
Geometric conditions for the existence of positive eigenvalues of matrices, LAA 38 (1981), 253-271. |
65 |
Characterizations of extreme normalized circulations satisfying linear constraints (with U. G. ]Rothblum), Lin. Alg. Appl. 46 (1982), 61-72. |
66 |
Algorithms for testing the diagonal similarity of matrices and related problems (with G. M. Engel), SIAM J. Alg. Disc. Methods 3 (1982), 61-72. |
67 |
Algebraic and topological aspects of feedback stabilization (with M. Vidyasagar and B. Francis), IEEE Trans. Aut. Contr. AC27 (1982), 880-894. |
68 |
Analytic Functions of M-matrices and generalizations (with M. Fiedler). Lin. Multilin. Alg. 13 (1983), 185-201. |
69 |
Controllability of matrix pairs (A,K), with K positive semi-definite, (with D. H. Carlson and B. N. Datta), SIAM J. Alg. Disc. Methods 5 (1984), 346-350. |
70 |
A conforming decomposition theorem, a piecewise nonlinear theorem of the alternative and scalings of matrices satisfying lower and upper bounds, (with M. Golitschek and U. G. Rothblum), Math. Progr. 27 (1983) 291-306. |
71 |
Determinantal Identities: Gauss, Schur, Cauchy, Sylvester, Kronecker, Jacobi, Binet, Laplace, Muir and Cayley, (with R. A. Brualdi), Lin. Alg. Appl. 52/53 (l983), 767-790. |
71a |
Determinantal Identities Revisited (with R. A. Brualdi), Lin. Alg. App l. 59 (1984), 203-207. |
72 |
Applications of shortest path algorithms to matrix scalings (with M. Golitschek) Num. Math. 44 (1984), 111-126. |
73 |
Theorems on M-splittings of a singular M-matrix which depend on graph structure, Lin. Alg. Appl. 58 (1984), 407-424. |
74 |
Line-Sum-Symmetric Scalings of Square Nonnegative Matrices (with B. C. Eaves, A. Hoffman and U. G. Rothblum), Math. Progr. Studies, 25 (1985), 124-141. |
75 |
Matrices whose powers are M-matrices or Z-matrices (with S. Friedland and D. Hershkowitz) Trans. AMS 300 (1987), 343-366. |
76 |
Scalings of vector spaces and the uniqueness of Lyapunov scalings factors (with D. Hershkowitz). Lin. Multilin. Alg. 17 (1985), 203-226. |
77 |
Lyapunov diagonal stability of real H-matrices (with D. Hershkowitz) Lin. Alg. Appl. 71 (1985), 119-145. |
78 |
Semistability factors and semifactors (with D. Hershkowitz), AMS Contemporary Math Series 47 (1985), 203-216. |
79 |
On 2k-twisted graphs (with D. Hershkowitz) European J. Combinatorics, 8 (1987), 297-302. |
80 |
Eigenvalue interlacing for certain classes of matrices with real principal minors (with D. Hershkowitz and V. Mehrmann) Lin. Alg. Appl. 88/89 (1987), 373-402. |
81 |
Matrices with sign symmetric diagonal shifts and scalar shifts (with D. Hershkowitz and V. Mehrmann) SIAM J. Alg. Disc. Methods 8 (1987), 108-122. |
82 |
Matrices with a sequence of accretive powers (with D. Hershkowitz) Israel Math. J. 55 (1986), 327-344. |
83 |
Sequences, wedges and associated sets of complex numbers (with D. Hershkowitz), Czechoslovak Math J. 38 (113) (1988), 138-156. |
84 |
Equality classes for matrices (with D. Hershkowitz) SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 9 (1988), 1-18. |
85 |
The influence of the marked reduced graph of a nonnegative matrix on the Jordan form and related properties: A survey, Lin. Alg. Appl. 84 (1986), 161-189. |
86 |
On the generalized nullspace of M-matrices and Z-matrices (with D. Hershkowitz), Lin. Alg. Appl., 106 (1988), 5-23. |
87 |
Monomial patterns in the sequence Akb (with P. G. Coxson and L. C. Larson), Lin. Alg. Apl.94 (1987), 89-101. |
88 |
Solutions of Z-matrix equations (with D. Hershkowitz),Lin. Alg. Appl. 106 (1988), 25-38. |
89 |
Characterizations and classification of M-matrices related to generalized nullspaces (with D. Hershkowitz and U. G. Rothblum), Lin. Alg. Appl. 109 (1988), 59-69. |
90 |
The combinatorial structure of the generalized nullspace of a block triangular matrix (with D. Hershkowitz and U. G. Rothblum), Lin. Alg. Appl. 116 (1989), 9-26. |
91 |
On Lyapunov scaling factors for Real Symmetric matrices (with D. Hershkowitz) Linear Multilin. Alg. 22 (1988), 373-384. |
92 |
Additive decompositions of nonnegative matrices with applications to permanents and scaling factors (with S. Friedland and C. K. Li), Lin. Multilin. Alg. 23 (1988), 63-78. |
93 |
Classification of nonnegative matrices using diagonal equivalence (with D. Hershkowitz and U. G. Rothblum), SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 9 (1988), 455-460. |
94 |
Height bases, level bases, and the equality of the height and the level characteristic of an M-matrix, (joint with D. Hershkowitz), Lin. Multilin. Alg. 25 (1989), 149-171. |
95 |
Allowable spectral permutations of ZME-matrices (with J. L. Stuart), Lin. Alg. Appl. 111 (1988), 63-124. |
96a |
An l_infinity balancing of a weighted directed graph (with M..H. Schneider), UW-CMS Rep. #88-29 (1988). |
96b |
Max-balancing weighted directed graphs (with M. H. Schneider), Math. Oper. Res. 16 (1991), 208-222. |
97 |
Scalings of matrices which have prespecified row sums and column sums via optimisation (with U.G. Rothblum) Lin. Alg. Appl. 114/115 (1989), 737-764. |
98 |
Combinatorial bases, derived Jordan and the equality of the height and level characteristics of an M-matrix (with D. Hershkowitz) Lin. Multilin. Alg. 29 (1991), 21-42. |
99 |
Towers and cycle covers for max-balanced graphs (with M. H. Schneider) Congress Num. 78 (1990), 159-170. |
100 |
On the inertia of intervals of matrices, (joint with D. Hershkowitz) SIAM J. of Matrix. Anal. 11 (1990), 565-574. |
101 |
Characterizations of max-balanced flows (with U.G. Rothblum and M.H. Schneider) Disc. App. Math., 39 (1992), 241-261. |
102 |
On the existence of matrices with prescribed height and level characteristics (with D. Hershkowitz) Israel Math J. 75 (1991), 105-117. |
103 |
On the minimum number of reconfigurations in time slot assignments for time-dependent multiple-access systems (with C.K. Li) IEEE Trans. Communic. 39 (1991), 1729-1732. |
104 |
Extensions of Jordan bases of invariant subspaces for a matrix (with R. Bru and L. Rodman) Lin. Alg. Appl. 150 (1991), 209-225. |
105 |
Scaling matrices to prescribed row and column maxima (with U.G. Rothblum and M.H. Schneider) SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 15 (1994), 1-14. |
106 |
On the core of a cone preserving map (with B.S. Tam) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 343 (1994), 479-524. |
107 |
Principal components of M-matrices (with M.N. Neumann) Lin. Multilin. Alg. 32 (1992), 131-148. |
107a |
Corrections and Additions to "Principal Components of Minus M-matrices," (joint with M.N. Neumann), Lin. Multilin. Alg. 36 (1993), 147-149. |
108 |
Path coverings of graphs and height characteristics of matrices (with D. Hershkowitz) J. Comb. Th. Ser. B ref. 59 (1993), 172-187. |
109 |
Ranks of zero patterns and sign patterns (with D. Hershkowitz) Lin. Multilin.. Alg., 34 (1993), 3-19. |
110 |
Algorithms for computing bases for the Perron eigenspace with prescribed nonnegativity and combinatorial properties (with M. Neumann) SIAM J. Matrix. Anal. Appl. 15 (1994), 578-591. |
111 |
Integral bases and p-twisted digraphs (with M. Hartmann and M.H. Schneider), European J. Combinatorics 16 (1995), 357-369. |
112 |
Spectral radii of certain iteration matrices and cycle means of graphs (with L. Elsner and D. Hershkowitz) Lin. Alg. Appl. 192 (1993), 61-91. |
113 |
Theorems of the alternative for cones and Lyapunov regularity, (with B. Cain and D. Hershkowitz) Czech. Math. J. 47(122), (1997),467-499. |
114 |
Resolvents of minus M-matrices and splittings of M-matrices, (with J.J. McDonald and M. Neumann) Lin. Alg. Appl. 195 (1993), 17-33. |
115 |
Sum decompositions of symmetric matrices, (with D. Hershkowitz and J. da Silva), Lin. Alg. Appl. 208/209 (1994), 523-538. |
116 |
Existence of matrices with prescribed off-diagonal block sums (with D. Hershkowitz and J. da Silva), Lin. Multilin. Alg. 40 (1995), 15-28. |
117 |
Row sums and inverse row sums for nonnegative matrices (with S. Friedland, R. Hemashina, J. Stuart and J. Weaver) SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 15 (1994), 1157-1166. |
118 |
Existence of matrices with prescribed off-diagonal block maxima (with D. Hershkowitz and J. da Silva), Lin. Alg. Appl. 212/213 (1994), 367-385. |
119 |
Block LU decompositions of M-Matrices (with J. McDonald) Numer. Math. 80 (1998), 109 - 130. |
120 |
Perron-Frobenius theory over real closed ordered fields and fractional power series expansions (with B.C. Eaves and U.G. Rothblum) Lin. Alg. Appl. 220 (1995), 123-150. |
121 |
Inverse M-matrix inequalities and generalized ultrametric matrices (with J. McDonald, M. Neumann and M. Tsatsomeros) Lin. Alg. Appl.220 (1995), 321-341. |
122 |
On the invariant faces associated with a cone preserving map (with B.S. Tam) Transactions AMS 353 (2001), 209-245. |
123 |
A solution of a nonlinear system arising in spectral perturbation theory of nonnegative matrices (with U.G. Rothblum) Lin. Alg, Appl. 258 (1997), 53-80. |
124 |
On the existence of matrices with prescribed partial sums of elements (with D. Hershkowitz and A. Hoffman) Lin. Alg. Appl. 265 (1997), 71-92 |
125 |
Norms and inequalities related to Schur products of rectangular matrices (with W. Huang and C.K. Li) SIAM J. Matrix. Anal. 18 (1997), 249 - 257. |
126 |
Approximability by weighted norms of the structured and volumetric singular values of a class of nonnegative matrices, (with D. Hershkowitz, W. Huang, and H. Weinberger) SIAM J. Matrix Anal. 18 (1997), 249-257 |
127 |
Minimization of norms and the spectral radius of a nonnegative matrix under diagonal equivalence (with D. Hershkowitz, W. Huang, and M. Neumann), Lin. Alg. Appl. 241-243 (1996), 431 - 435. |
128 |
Inverses of unipathic M-matrices. (joint with J. McDonald, M. Neumann, and M. Tsatsomeros), SIAM J. Matrix Anal. 17 (1996), 1025 - 1036. |
129 |
Inverse tridiagonal Z-matrices (with J. McDonald, R. Nabben, M. Neumann and M. Tsatsomeros) Lin. Multilin. Alg. 45 (1998), 75 - 97. |
130 |
Helmut Wielandt's "Mathematical Works" editor (with B. Huppert), Vol. 1 (1994) and Vol. 2 (1996), de Gruyter. |
131 |
On matrices for which norm bounds are attained (with H. Weinberger), Lin. Alg. Appl. 275-6 (1998), 563 - 577. |
132a |
Partial norms and the convergence of general products of matrices (with M. Neumann), SFB 343 Preprint 97-108, Univ. of Bielefeld. |
132b |
The convergence of general products of matrices and the weak ergodicity of Markov Chains (with M.N. Neumann), LAA 287 (1999), 307 - 314. |
133 |
Bounds on norms of compound matrices and on products of eigenvalues, (with L. Elsner and D. Hershkowitz), Bull. London. Math. Soc. 32 (2000), 15 - 24. |
134 |
Lyapunov revisited: Variations on a matrix theme [expository], in Operators, Systems and Linear Algebra, U. Helmke, Pratzel-Wolters, E. Zerz (eds), pp. 175-181, Teubner (1997). |
135 |
Some personal reminiscences of Olga Taussky-Todd, Lin. Alg. Appl. 280 (1998), 15-19. |
136 |
Z-pencils (with J. J. McDonald, D.D. Olesky, M. J. Tsatsomeros, P. van den Driessche), Elec. J. Lin. Alg, 4 (1998), 32-38. |
137 |
Hermitian positive semidefinite matrices whose entries are 0 or 1 in modulus (with D. Hershkowitz and M. Neumann), Lin. Multilin. Alg. 46 (1999), 259-264. |
138 |
Spectra of expansion graphs (with S. Friedland), Elec. J. Lin. Alg. 6 (1999/2000), 2 - 10. |
139 |
The recursive inverse eigenvalue problem, with M. Arav, D. Hershkowitz and V. Mehrmann, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 22 (2000), 392 - 412. |
140 |
Distribution of subdominant eigenvalues of random matrices, (with G. Goldberg, P.Okunev and M. Neumann), Method. and Comp. in App. Prob. 2 (2000), 137 - 151. |
141 |
Linear equations over cones and Collatz-Wielandt numbers (with B-S. Tam), LAA 363 (2003), 295 - 332. |
142 |
Applications of Perron-Frobenius theory to population dynamics (with C.K. Li), J. Math. Biology, 44 (2002), 450 - 462. |
143 |
Conditions for strict inequality in comparisons of spectral radii of splittings of different matrices (with L.Elsner, A. Frommer, R. Nabben and D.B. Szyld), LAA 363 (2003), 65 - 80. |
144 |
Open problems on GKK tau-matrices (with Olga Holtz), Lin. Alg. Appl. 345 (2002), 263 - 267. |
145 |
Orthogonality of Matrices (with C.K. Li), LAA 347 (2002), 115 - 122. |
146 |
One sided simultaneous inequalities and sandwich theorems for diagonal similarity and diagonal equivalence of nonnegative matrices (with D. Hershkowitz), ELA 10 (2003), 81 - 101. |
147 |
Equilibria of pairs of nonlinear maps associated with cones, (with G.P. Barker, M. Neumann-Coto, M. Takane and B.S. Tam), Int. Equ. Op. Th. 51 (2005), 357 - 373. |
148 |
Helmut Wielandt 19 December 1910 - 14 February 2001: A personal memoir, LAA, 353 (2002), 1 - 3. |
149 |
Wielandt's proof of the exponent inequality for primitive nonnegative matrices, LAA 353 (2002), 5 - 10. |
150 |
Anpassen oder nicht? Die Geschichte eines Mathematikers im Deutschland der Jahre 1933 - 1950 (joint with V. Mehrmann). DMV Mitteilungen, 2/2002 20 - 26. |
151 |
Induced norms, states, and numerical ranges, (with C.K. Li and Ed Poon), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 132, 1501 - 1506, (elec. 2003). |
152 |
Potter, Wielandt, and Drazin on the matrix equation $AB = \omega BA$, with some new answers to old questions (with. O. Holtz and V. Mehrmann). Amer. Math. Monthly 111 (2004), 655 - 667. |
153 |
Comparison theorems using general cones for norms of iteration matrices, with T.I. Seidman and M. Arav, LAA 399 (2005), 169 - 186. |
154 |
Applications of max algebra to diagonal scaling of matrices, with P. Butkovic, ELA 13 (2005), 262 - 273. |
155 |
The spectral radius in partially ordered algebras, with T.I. Seidman, LAA 417 (2006), 347 - 369. |
156 |
Matrices leaving a cone invariant, with B.S. Tam, in Handbook for Linear Algebra, ed. L. Hogben Chapman and Hall (2006) |
157 |
Generators, Extremals and Bases of Max Cones, with P. Butkovic and S. Sergeev, LAA 421 (2007), 394 - 406. |
158 |
On visualization scaling, subeigenvectors
and Kleene stars in max algebra, with S. Sergeev and P. Butkovic, LAA (431 (2009) 2395-2408.
159 |
CSR expansions of matrix powers in max algebra, with S.
Trans.AMS 364 (2012) 5969-5994 |
160 |
On commuting matrices in max algebra and in classical
nonnegative algebra, with R. Katz and S. Sergeev, LAA 436 (2012) 276-292 |
161 |
Recognizing Weakly stable systems, P.Butkovic,
and S. Sergeev |
162 |
and S. Sergeev, LAMA 1-20 (2012) |
163 |
Matrices that commute with their derivative:
Research and historical note, O.Holtz, V.Mehrmann and
H.Schneider |
164 |
Two cores of a nonnegative matrix,
P.Butkovic, H.Schneider, S.Sergeev and B-S.Tam, LAA 439 (2013) 1929-1954 |
167 |
On sets of eigenvalues of matrices with prescribed
row sums and prescribed graph,
G.M. Engel, H.Schneider, S.Sergeev (submitted) arXiv 1312.2782 |