Weighted Ehrhart theory via mixed Hodge modules on toric varieties. (with J. Schürmann)
- Applications of singularity theory in applied algebraic geometry and algebraic statistics. (with J. Rodriguez and B. Wang)
- Morse numbers of complex polynomials. (with M. Tibăr)
- Brylinski-Radon transformation and generic projections. (with Y. Liu and B. Wang)
- Hirzebruch-Milnor classes of hypersurfaces with nontrivial normal bundles and applications to higher du Bois and rational singularities. (with M. Saito and R. Yang)
- Cohomology of Z-local systems on complex hyperplane arrangement complements. (with Y. Liu and B. Wang)
- Equivariant toric geometry and Euler-Maclaurin formulae -- an overview. (with S. Cappell, J. Schürmann and J. Shaneson)
- Hodge-theoretic variants of the Hopf and Singer Conjectures. (with D. Arapura and B. Wang)
Contemporary Mathematics (accepted);
- On the topology of complex projective hypersurfaces
- Linear optimization on varieties and Chern-Mather classes. (with J. Rodriguez, B. Wang and L. Wu)
- Logarithmic cotangent bundles, Chern-Mather classes, and the Huh-Sturmfels Involution conjecture. (with J. Rodriguez, B. Wang and L. Wu)
- Euclidean distance degree and limit points in a Morsification. (with M. Tibăr)
- Mixed Hodge structures on Alexander modules. (with E. Elduque, C. Geske, M. Herradón Cueto and B. Wang)
- Morse numbers of function germs with isolated singularities. (with M. Tibăr)
- On singular variants of the Singer-Hopf Conjecture.
- Alexander modules, Mellin transformation and variations of mixed Hodge structures. (with E. Elduque, M. Herradón Cueto and B. Wang)
- Non-abelian Mellin Transformations and Applications. (with Y. Liu and B. Wang)
- The vanishing cohomology of non-isolated hypersurface singularities.
(with L. Păunescu and M. Tibăr)
- Constructible sheaf complexes in complex geometry and Applications. (with J. Schürmann)
- A Morse theoretic approach to non-isolated singularities and applications to optimization. (with J. Rodriguez and B. Wang)
- Vanishing cohomology and Betti bounds for complex projective hypersurfaces.
(with L. Păunescu and M. Tibăr)
- Hodge theory on Alexander invariants -- a survey. (with E. Elduque, C. Geske, M. Herradón Cueto and B. Wang)
- Aspherical manifolds, Mellin transformation and a question of Bobadilla-Kollár. (with Y. Liu and B. Wang)
- Perverse sheaves on semi-abelian varieties. (with Y. Liu and B. Wang)
- Euclidean distance degree of projective varieties. (with J. Rodriguez and B. Wang)
- Topology of subvarieties of complex semi-abelian varieties. (with Y. Liu and B. Wang)
- Higher order degrees of affine plane curve complements. (with E. Elduque)
- Plethysm and cohomology representations of external and symmetric products.
(with J. Schürmann)
- Defect of Euclidean distance degree. (with J. Rodriguez and B. Wang)
- Euclidean distance degree of the multiview variety. (with J. Rodriguez and B. Wang)
- Spectral Hirzebruch-Milnor classes of singular hypersurfaces. (with M. Saito and J. Schürmann)
- Thom-Sebastiani theorems for filtered D-modules and for multiplier ideals. (with M. Saito and J. Schürmann)
- Perverse sheaves on semi-abelian varieties - a survey of properties and applications
(with Y. Liu and B. Wang)
- Notes on vanishing cycles and applications
- Topological methods in algebraic geometry and algebraic statistics
Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 65 (2020), no. 3, 311-325;
journal link
- Homological congruence formulae for characteristic classes of singular varieties. (with
S. Yokura)
- Generic vanishing for semi-abelian varieties and integral Alexander modules. (with Y. Liu and B. Wang)
- Mellin transformation, propagation, and abelian duality spaces. (with Y. Liu and B. Wang)
- On the signed Euler characteristic property for subvarieties of abelian varieties. (with E. Elduque and C. Geske)
- Motivic zeta functions and infinite cyclic covers.
(with M. Gonzalez Villa and A. Libgober)
- Twisted Alexander invariants of complex hypersurface complements.
(with K. Wong)
- Equivariant characteristic classes of external and symmetric products of
varieties. (with J. Schürmann)
- Characteristic classes of mixed Hodge modules and applications. (with J. Schürmann)
- Characteristic classes of symmetric products of complex quasi-projective varieties. (with S. Cappell, J. Schürmann, J. Shaneson and S. Yokura)
- Spectral pairs, Alexander modules, and boundary manifolds. (with Y. Liu)
- Twisted Novikov homology of complex hypersurface complements.
(with S. Friedl)
- Characteristic varieties of hypersurface complements. (with Y. Liu)
- Motivic infinite cyclic covers. (with M. Gonzalez Villa and A. Libgober)
- Hirzebruch-Milnor classes and Steenbrink spectra of certain projective hypersurfaces. (with M. Saito and J. Schürmann)
- Intersection spaces, perverse sheaves and string theory.
- Reidemeister torsion, peripheral complex, and Alexander polynomials of hypersurface complements. (with Y. Liu)
- Characteristic classes of singular toric varieties. (with J. Schürmann)
- Intersection spaces, perverse sheaves and type IIB string theory. (with M. Banagl and N. Budur)
- L2-Betti numbers of hypersurface complements.
- Characteristic classes of singular toric varieties, research announcement (with J. Schürmann)
- Hirzebruch-Milnor classes of complete intersections. (with M. Saito and J. Schürmann)
- Characteristic classes of Hilbert schemes of points via symmetric products. (with S. Cappell, T. Ohmoto, J. Schürmann and S. Yokura)
- Characteristic numbers, genera, and resolutions.
in Advances in Mathematics: Invited Contributions to the Seventh Congress of Romanian Mathematicians,
The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 2013, pp. 207-225.
- Intersection Spaces and Hypersurface Singularities. (with M. Banagl)
- Deformation of Singularities and the Homology of Intersection Spaces. (with M. Banagl)
- Equivariant characteristic classes of complex algebraic varieties. (with S. Cappell, J. Schürmann and J. Shaneson)
- Twisted genera of symmetric products. (with J. Schürmann)
- Symmetric products of mixed Hodge modules. (with M. Saito and J. Schürmann)
- Hirzebruch invariants of symmetric products. (with J. Schürmann)
- Hodge polynomials of singular hypersurfaces. (with A. Libgober)
Michigan Mathematical Journal 60 (2011), no. 3, 661-673.
- On Milnor classes of complex hypersurfaces.
- Characteristic classes of complex hypersurfaces. (with S. Cappell, J. Schürmann and J. Shaneson)
- Equivariant genera of complex algebraic varieties. (with S. Cappell and J. Shaneson)
- L2-Betti numbers of plane algebraic curves. (with S. Friedl and C. Leidy)
Michigan Mathematical Journal 58 (2009), no. 2, 411-421.
- Hodge genera of algebraic varieties, II. (with S. Cappell, A. Libgober and J. Shaneson)
- Hodge-theoretic Atiyah-Meyer formulae and the stratified multiplicative property. (with J. Schürmann)
- Intersection cohomology invariants of complex algebraic varieties.
(with S. Cappell and J. Shaneson)
- Hodge genera and characteristic classes of complex algebraic
varieties. (with S. Cappell, A. Libgober and J. Shaneson)
Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences 15 (2008), 1-7.
- Obstructions on fundamental groups of plane curve complements. (with C. Leidy)
- Hodge genera of algebraic varieties, I. (with S. Cappell and J. Shaneson)
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 61 (2008), no. 3, 422-449.
- Euler characteristics of algebraic varieties. (with S. Cappell and J. Shaneson)
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 61 (2008), no. 3, 409-421.
- On the Alexander invariants of hypersurface complements.
in Singularity Theory,
Proceedings of the 2005 Marseille Singularity School and Conference (Denis Cheniot et al, ed.),
World Scientific, 2007, pp. 725-744.
- Multivariable Alexander invariants of hypersurface complements. (with A. Dimca)
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 359 (2007), no. 7, 3505-3528.
- Higher-order Alexander invariants of plane algebraic curves, (with C. Leidy)
International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2006 (2006), Article ID 12976, 23 pages.
- Intersection homology and Alexander modules of hypersurface complements.
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 81 (2006), no. 1, 123-155.
- A decomposition theorem for the Peripheral Complex associated with
International Mathematics Research Notices 43 (2005), 2627-2656.
Books Edited:
- Topology of Stratified Spaces.
(with G. Friedman, E. Hunsiker and A. Libgober)
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications 58, Cambridge University
Press, New York, 2011; ISBN: 9780521191678.
Class notes, Surveys:
Some talk slides:
Video talks, Online lectures:
- On the geometry and topology of aspherical compact Kähler manifolds and related questions,
Conference on Singularity theory and hyperbolicity, Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, March 18-22, 2024.
- Higher du Bois and higher rational singularities of hypersurfaces,
Cambridge Singularity Day, Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, March 15, 2024.
- Lefschetz properties in the constructible context,
Workshop on Lefschetz Properties in Algebra, Geometry, Topology and Combinatorics, The Fields Institute, Toronto, May 15-19, 2023.
- Topology of complex projective hypersurfaces and of their complements, at the 2021-2022 CIMPA Research School "Singularities and Applications":
- in person follow-up event in Sao Carlos, Brazil, July 11-22, 2022. (lectures are available on the YouTube channel of the Singularities Group at ICMC-Sao Carlos.)
- Characteristic classes of stratified spaces (lecture I,
lecture II),
at the "Topology, Stratified Spaces and Particle Physics Summer School", Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, August 2016.
- Genera of complex varieties and singularities of proper maps,
MSRI Workshop on "Recent Developments in Arrangements
and Configuration Spaces", August 2006.
Intersection Homology and Alexander Modules of Hypersurface Complements, MSRI Workshop on "Topology of Arrangements and Applications", October 2004.