Jean-Luc Thiffeault's Homepage

Math 801: Topics in Applied Mathematics
Mathematical Aspects of Mixing (Spring 2013)

Lecture Room: B131 Van Vleck
Lecture Time: 1:20–2:10 MWF
Lecturer: Jean-Luc Thiffeault
Office: 503 Van Vleck
Phone: (608)263-4089
Email: jeanluc@[domainname],
where [domainname] is math point wisc point edu
Office Hours: M 10:45–11:45, Th 1:20–2:20 / catch me after class / by appointment


This course will focus on the mathematical theory of mixing in the context of fluid dynamics. Topics will include:

Schedule of Topics

lecture date topic
00 01/23 Introduction: movies
01 01/25 Stirring & mixing
02 01/28 Filament model
03 01/30 Lagrangian coordinates
04 02/01 Solving the Lagrangian equation
05 02/04 Solving the Lagrangian equation (part 2)
06 02/06 Shear flows
07 02/08 The tangent map
08 02/11 Lyapunov exponents
09 02/13 Finite-time Lyapunov exponents
10 02/15 FTLEs for the baker's map [Matlab files]
11 02/18 Renovating flows
12 02/20–02/22 Generalized Lyapunov exponents [Matlab file]
13 02/25 Rate of decay and local stretching
14 02/27–03/01 Strange eigenmodes and intermittency [Matlab files]
15 03/04–03/06 Homogenization theory [Matlab files]
16 03/08 Biomixing, part 1: hitting distribution
03/11 Eriko Hironaka: Small dilatation pseudo-Anosov mapping classes (Room B113)
17 03/13 Biomixing, part 2: effective diffusivity
18 03/15 Biomixing, part 3: displacements in inviscid flow
19 03/18–03/20 Biomixing, part 4: viscous swimmer
20 04/01 Topological mixing on the torus
21 04/03 Anosov homeomorphisms
22 04/05 From the torus to the sphere
23 04/05 Topological stirring
24 04/08 The Thurston–Nielsen classification
25 04/10 Computing with train tracks
26 04/12 The Bestvina–Handel algorithm
27 04/15 Coordinates for loops
28 04/17 The braidlab Matlab package
29 04/19 Mix-norms
30 04/22 Mixing in the presence of sources and sinks [Matlab files]
31 04/24 Shuffling cards
32 04/26 Strong uniform stopping rules
33 05/01 Riffle shuffling
34 05/03 Permutations generated by Brownian particles
35 05/06 Random braids and winding numbers
05/08 Discussion

All lectures are available in a single file in PDF (14MB) or a smaller DjVu file (3.36MB, see DjVu format).

Bibliography and Resources

Filament models, linear flows:

Lyapunov exponents and Oseledec's theorem:

Generalized Lyapunov exponents:

Strange eigenmodes and intermittency:

Homogenization theory:


Topological mixing:

Mix-norms, sources and sinks:

Books on differential geometry applied to fluid dynamics and physics: