Lectures at Instituto de Matemàtica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, May 3–12, 2022
Lecture 1: Mappings of the torus
Lecture 2: From the torus to the disk
Lecture 3: Braids
Lecture 4:
All four lectures in one file:
Some partial notes .
Lecture 1: Introduction; Steps 1 and 2
Lecture 2: Step 3; Vanishing terms
Lecture 3: A third-order example; Final thoughts
Archive of papers that use the Uniform Transform Method (maintained until 2014).
All lectures in one file.
Lecture 1: Drift and diffusion
Lecture 2: The mean exit time equation
Lecture 3: Examples of exit time calculations
Lecture 4: The swimming Brownian needle
Lecture 5: Introduction to stochastic calculus
Lecture 6: The Fokker–Planck equation
Lecture 1: Stirring and mixing
Lecture 2: Filament model and effective diffusivity (Matlab example files: [zip] [tar.gz])
Lecture 3: Stirring by swimming organisms, part 1
Lecture 4: Stirring by swimming organisms, part 2
Lectures at the Summer Program on Computational Dynamics and Topology at ICERM, Brown University, Providence, RI, 14–16 July 2015
All three lectures in one file:
All lectures in one file: [pdf] [djvu]
Lecture 1: Stirring and mixing [pdf] [djvu] (Matlab example files: [zip] [tar.gz])
Lecture 2: Stirring by swimming organisms [pdf] [djvu] (Slides: [pdf] [djvu])
Lecture 3: Local stretching theories [pdf] [djvu]
Lecture 4: Mixing in the presence of sources and sinks [pdf] [djvu] (Slides: [pdf] [djvu]) (Matlab example files: [zip] [tar.gz])
All lectures in a single file [pdf] [djvu]
Lecture 1: Stirring and Mixing [pdf] [djvu]
Lecture 2: Linear Flows [pdf] [djvu]
Lecture 3: Effective Diffusivity [pdf] [djvu] (Matlab example files: [zip] [tar.gz])
Lecture 4: Stochastic Models (part 1) [pdf] [djvu]
Lecture 5: Stochastic Models (part 2) [pdf] [djvu]
Lecture 6: Topological Mixing [pdf] [djvu]