Jean-Luc Thiffeault's Homepage

Math 705 Mathematical Fluid Dynamics: Fall 2010

Lecture Room: B129 Van Vleck Hall
Lecture Time: 9:30–10:45 TuTh
Lecturer: Jean-Luc Thiffeault
Office: 503 Van Vleck
Phone: (608)263-4089
Email: jeanluc@[domainname],
where [domainname] is math point wisc point edu
Office Hours: 1:00–2:00 Tu, 2:00–3:00 Th, or by appointment


This course is a broad introduction to fluid dynamics, with an emphasis on equations but always with an eye towards physical insight. We will cover the following topics until time runs out: Continua and conservation laws. Inviscid flow. Irrotational flow. Vorticity. Complex variable methods. Airfoil theory and conformal transformations. Viscosity and the Reynolds number. The limit of zero Reynolds number. Swimming of microorganisms. Thin flows. Instabilities. Everything breaks down: turbulence.


The textbook for the class is D. J. Acheson's Elementary Fluid Mechanics (Oxford University Press). ISBN: 0198596790.


Every two weeks or so I will assign homework from the textbook or otherwise and post it here.

Course Policy and Grading

There will be a final exam. The final grade will be computed according to:

Final exam50%