28. ATOROIDAL SURFACE BUNDLES NEW! (with C. J. Leininger) Preprint (updated 5/24/2024) 27. A LOWER BOUND ON VOLUMES OF END–PERIODIC MAPPING TORI (with E. Field , C. J. Leininger, and M. Loving) Preprint 26. BIG TORELLI GROUPS: GENERATION AND COMMENSURATION (with J. Aramayona, T. Ghaswala, A. McLeay, J. Tao, and R. Winarski) Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, Volume 13, Issue 4, 2019, pp. 1373–1399. 25. UNDISTORTED PURELY PSEUDO-ANOSOV GROUPS (with M. Bestvina, K. Bromberg, and C. J. Leininger) Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 760 (2020), 213 –227. 24. SPACIOUS KNOTS (with J. Purcell) Mathematical Research Letters 25 (2018), no. 2, 581–595. 23. SKINNING BOUNDS ALONG THICK RAYS (with K. Bromberg and Y. Minsky) Journal of Topology and Analysis, Vol. 13, No. 03, pp. 591–605 (2021). 22. LIPSCHITZ CONSTANTS TO CURVE COMPLEXES (with V. Gadre, E. Hironaka, and C. J. Leininger) Mathematical Research Letters 20 (2013), no. 4, 647–656. 21. THICK–SKINNED \(3\)–MANIFOLDS (with Y. Minsky) Geometric and Functional Analysis, Volume 24 (2014) 1981–2001. 20. EXPERIMENTS WITH SKINNING MAPS (with E. Dumas) on hold 19. PSEUDO-ANOSOV SUBGROUPS OF FIBERED \(3\)–MANIFOLD GROUPS (with S. Dowdall and C. J. Leininger) Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2014, 1247–1282. 18. A GEOMETRIC CRITERION TO BE PSEUDO-ANOSOV (with C. J. Leininger) Michigan Mathematical Journal 63 (2014), 227–251. 17. CONGRUENCE KERNELS AROUND AFFINE CURVES Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 713 (2016), 1–20. 16. GEOMETRIC LIMITS OF KNOT COMPLEMENTS, II: GRAPHS DETERMINED BY THEIR COMPLEMENTS (with J. Souto) Mathematische Zeitschrift (2012) 271:565–575. 15. A FAKE SCHOTTKY GROUP IN \(\mathrm{Mod}(S)\) (with C. J. Leininger) In the tradition of Ahlfors–Bers. V, 185–196, Contemp. Math., 510, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2010. 14. BERS SLICES ARE ZARISKI DENSE (with E. Dumas) Journal of Topology 2009 2(2):373–379. 13. INTERSECTIONS AND JOINS OF FREE GROUPS Algebraic & Geometric Topology 9 (2009) 305–325. 12. SLICING, SKINNING, AND GRAFTING (with E. Dumas) American Journal of Mathematics 131 (2009), 1419–1429. 11. TREES AND MAPPING CLASS GROUPS (with C. J. Leininger and S. Schleimer) Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 637 (2009), 1–21. 10. SKINNING MAPS Duke Mathematical Journal 151, no. 2 (2010), 279-336. 9. SUBGROUPS OF MAPPING CLASS GROUPS FROM THE GEOMETRICAL VIEWPOINT (with C. J. Leininger)* In the tradition of Ahlfors–Bers, IV, 119–141. Contemp. Math., 432, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2007. 8. UNIFORM CONVERGENCE IN THE MAPPING CLASS GROUP (with C. J. Leininger)* Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems (2008), 28, 1177–1195. 7. SHADOWS OF MAPPING CLASS GROUPS: CAPTURING CONVEX COCOMPACTNESS (with C. J. Leininger)* Geometric and Functional Analysis, Volume 18 (2008), 1270–1325. 6. SURFACE GROUPS ARE FREQUENTLY FAITHFUL (with J. DeBlois) Duke Mathematical Journal 131, no. 2 (2006), 351–362. 5. TOTALLY GEODESIC BOUNDARIES OF KNOT COMPLEMENTS Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 133 (2005), 3735–3744. 4. ACHIEVABLE RANKS OF INTERSECTIONS OF FINITELY GENERATED FREE GROUPS International Journal of Algebra and Computation, Vol. 15 No. 2 (2005) 339–341. 3. A SHORT PROOF THAT COMPOSITE TWISTED UNKNOTS ARE SINGLY TWISTED UNKNOTS Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 13 (2004), no. 7, 873–875. 2. BUNDLES, HANDCUFFS, AND LOCAL FREEDOM Geometriae Dedicata 106 (2004), 145–159. 1. A GEOMETRIC AND ALGEBRAIC DESCRIPTION OF ANNULAR BRAID GROUPS [no figures] (with D. Peifer) International Journal of Algebra and Computation, Vol. 12, Nos. 1 & 2 (2002) 85–97. Lecture notes to Cameron Gordon's course on Normal Surface Theory [from Spring 2001] (including a proof of the Disk Theorem (a.k.a. Loop Theorem–Dehn's Lemma) with no tower!) available here. |