Math 234 — About the Exams
Syllabus |
Homework assignments |
About the exams |
Using your computer |
Lecture schedule
The Final
Extra Office hours: Wednesday and Friday 10am–3pm.
Exam time&location. December 21,
pm. The exam will be in Psychology 105 and
Psychology 113. Which classroom you should go to depends on your TA.
If your TA is Christopher Breeden, Christian Geske, Yuan Liu, or Yi Li, then
go to Psychology 105
If your TA is Mahadharshini Devanesan or Thomas Morrell, then
go to Psychology 113
See the Psychology building on the campus
Topics covered. The final exam is cumulative. Exam problems will cover the following topics:
Parametric curves: know how to parametrize a straight line, a line segment
connecting two points, a circle. Find the unit tangent and normal to given
parametrized plane curves.
Chain rule for $g(t) = f(x(t), y(t))$, or $g(u,v)=f(x(u,v),
y(u,v))$; second derivatives too. For practice,
see problem 2 on the 2013 final.
Clairaut’s theorem, and how to find a function $f(x,y)$ if you are given its partial derivatives
$f_x(x,y)=P(x,y)$ and $f_y(x,y)=Q(x,y)$.
Note the even though there may not be an explicit question of this form on the exam, knowing how to find $f$
can be very useful when doing line integrals.
Maxima and minima of functions of two or three variables (the theorems: continuous function
on a closed and bounded set always has a max and a min; if a max or min is an interior point,
then it’s a critical point)
Second derivative test (say in words why it works? Know how to analyze the second order terms by completing a square)
Lagrange multipliers (don’t forget the so-called “exceptional case”)
Double & Triple integrals
(finding the integration bounds from a drawing or description of the domain;
drawing the domain given the integration bounds;
changing the order of integration)
Know that $\int_\cC1\,ds$ is the length of the curve $\cC$, $\iint_\cR1\,dA$ is the area of the two dimensional region $\cR$, and
$\iiint_\cR 1dV$ is the volume of $\cR$ if $\cR$ is a three dimensional region.
Polar, Cylindrical, and Spherical Coordinates (recognize regions that are “blocks” in either
cylindrical or spherical coordinates; understand the drawings that shows $dA=r\, dr\,d\theta$, $dV=r\,dz\,dr\,d\theta$,
and $dV = \rho^2\sin\phi\,d\rho\,d\theta\,d\phi$)
Line integrals (work and flux integrals; differential form version)
and Green's theorem: the two forms (“work” and “flux” integrals).
The fundamental theorem (about the line integral when the vector field is the gradient of a function.)
See a short summary of line integrals
and the
Extra problems about line
integrals (with answers)
There will be three midterm exams. These will be held during the normal lecture hour at 7:45am.
Midterm 1— Wednesday, September 30
Topics: See
this page for the
list of topics covered on the first midterm.
The midterm will be in our usual classroom, B102 Van Vleck Hall
and in B130 Van Vleck Hall.
Solutions to the exam:
Here is a copy of the
exam, with solutions.
Why the problem 4 score? The final exam will have one extra problem
which will be very similar to problem 4 from the first midterm. Students’
scores on that problem will not count toward the final, but instead will
be added to their score on problem 4, midterm 1 (the maximal score on midterm 1
therefore becomes 115 points instead of 100).
Midterm 2— Wednesday, October 28
Topics: See
this page for the list of topics covered on the second midterm.
Same as for the first midterm
The exam, with solutions.
Here is a copy.
Midterm 3— Wednesday, December 2
Topics: See
this page
for the list of topics covered on the third midterm.
Same as for the first two midterms, namely:
The midterm will be in our usual classroom, B102 Van Vleck Hall
and in B130 Van Vleck Hall.
If your TA is Christian Geske, Christopher Breeden, or
Thomas Morrell, then go to B102 (the usual class room).
If your TA is Yu Li, Yuan Liu, or Mahadharshini Devanesan, then go
to B130 Van Vleck.
The exam will begin at 7:45am exactly and will end at 8:35
exactly. Please be 10 minutes early to make sure you are seated
and ready to start when it’s 7:45am.
The exam, with solutions.
Here is a copy.
There will be six quizzes on the following Thursdays in discussion:
Sept 10.
homework problems from chapter
Sept 24.
Topics: The quiz will cover
homework problems since the
previous quiz. I.e. the problems from chapter 2,
extra vector function
, and mostly problems 3 and 5 from chapter 3.
Oct 8.
Topics: The quiz will cover:
level sets and domain of functions (Chapter 3, problem 7,
page 47).
partial derivatives (Chapter 4, §3, problems 2, 6,
page 52).
linear approximation (as done in lecture, and like problems
1 and 8 from Chapter 4, §7, pages 61/62).
Oct 22.
Topics: The quiz will cover:
Tangent planes or lines. These have come up in the
following different settings:
graph of $z=f(x,y)$
level set of $z=f(x,y)$
level set of $F(x,y,z)$
In each case, is the tangent a line or a plane? What are the
equations for the tangent line or plane in these cases?
The chain rule: know how to compute the first and second
order partial derivatives of $g(u,v) = f(x(u,v), y(u,v))$ if
you are given the two functions $x(u,v)$ and $y(u,v)$. (like
problem 5, page 76, and problem 15, page 82)
Mixed partials and Clairaut’s theorem: know how to
tell if there is a function $z=f(x,y)$ with two given partial
derivatives $f_x=P(x,y)$ and $f_y=Q(x,y)$, and know how to
compute $f$ when it exists. (e.g. problems 12, 13, 14 on page
Nov 5.
The two main theorems: You should know, and know how to use
the two main theorems, namely §2.1 (page 84), and §4.2
(page 86). These can be used to predict critical points, and to
find (local) maxima and minima (as in §4.4 and §4.5 on
page 88). Typical problems are §6, problem 1a–1r.
The second derivative test: compute the second order Taylor
expansion of a function at a critical point, and use the
expansion to decide if the critical point is a local max/min,
or perhaps something else.
Typical problems: Chapter 5,§10, problem 5: there you
are asked to apply the second derivative test to the
critical points that you found in §6, problem 1.
The online
version of the text
has answers to these problems.
Nov 19.
Lagrange multipliers. Keep in mind that there are at least two
parts of a Lagrange multiplier problem:
setting up the equations you must solve
solving them (and then deciding which has the
lowest/highest function value, if needed)
There is no recipe for solving the equations that is
guaranteed to work always, but it is a good idea to
systematically eliminate one variable after another (solve
one equation for $x$, substitute the result in the other
equations; then get rid of the next variable, until you are
Even if you get stuck in the solving part, you can still get
partial credit for step 1, the formulation of the equations,
provided (!) this is neatly written up.
Double integrals: Expect a problem like one of those in
problems 5 or 6, from Ch.6 §3.
You should be able to
draw the region $D$
set up the integral
compute it (and choose the other order of integration
if you run into difficult integrals)
On timed tests the integrals (i.e. the antiderivatives) you
will be asked to find will always be fairly easy, with a
simple substitution being the most complicated trick
required. So if you run into an integral that isn’t easy,
then you should choose the other order of integration (or
possibly you made a mistake).
On the day of each quiz our piazza site will be temporarily deactivated.