Math 234 — Using your Computer

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Exam policy on calculators. Students will not be allowed to use calculators (smart phones, other electronic equipment) on in-class quizzes and exams. These quizzes and exams will be designed keeping this limitation in mind.

On–line tools. Graphing calculators can be very useful, but if you don't have one then there are many on-line resources that provided at least the same and often better functionality.

No matter how useful these tools are, something is lost when you rely on them to answer a question rather than thinking it through yourself.

The machine has got to be accepted, but it is probably better to accept it rather as one accepts a drug — that is, grudgingly and suspiciously. Like a drug, the machine is useful, dangerous, and habit-forming. The oftener one surrenders to it the tighter its grip becomes. –George Orwell, novelist (1903–1950)