Topology 951 Home Page

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Course No. 951. Course title: Topology Seminar.

Instructor J. Robbin

The following notes summarize various topics we discussed this semester. They are in a constant state of revision. Let me know if you spot any mistakes or ambiguities.

A quick overview of potential theory.
( Latex (tex), ( Adobe Acrobat (pdf) or Postscript (ps)).

Some notes on algebraic curves and Riemann surfaces.
( Latex (tex), ( Adobe Acrobat (pdf) or Postscript (ps))

Some notes on the Uniformization Theorem.
( Latex (tex), ( Adobe Acrobat (pdf) or Postscript (ps))

Some notes on sheaves and divisors.
( Latex (tex), ( Adobe Acrobat (pdf) or Postscript (ps))

Some notes on elliptic curves.
( Latex (tex), ( Adobe Acrobat (pdf) or Postscript (ps))

R, C, Gunning: Lectures on Riemann Surfaces,
Princeton Mathematical Notes, 1966

Narasimhan, Raghavan: Compact Riemann Surfaces,
Lectures in Mathematics ETH Zurich, Birkhuser Verlag, 1992.

Griffiths, Phillip: Introduction to Algebraic Curves,
Translations of Mathematical Monographs 76, American Mathematical Society, 1989.

Hummel, Christoph: Gromov's Compactness Theorem for Pseudo-holomorphic Curves,
Progress in Mathematics 151, Birkhuser Verlag, c1997.

Harris J. and Morrison, I: Moduli of Curves,
Graduate Texts in Mathematics 187, Springer, c1998.

Danilov, V.I. and Shokurov, V.V.: Algebraic Curves, Algebraic Manifolds and Schemes,
Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, 23 / I.R. Shafarevich (ed.).
Springer-Verlag, c1994.