Math 234 — About the Exams
The Final
The final exam will be in the Social Sciences building, classrooms 5106 and 6210.
See the Social Science building on the campus map
The class should split as follows:
If Brandon Alberts is your TA then go to room 5106 in the Social Sciences building.
All other students should go to room 6210 in the Social Sciences building.
Office hours
Thursday and Friday 10am–3pm.
Topics covered
The final exam is cumulative. Exam problems will cover the following topics:
Parametric curves: know how to parametrize a straight line, a line segment
connecting two points, a circle. Find the unit tangent and normal to given
parametrized plane curves.
Chain rule for $g(t) = f(x(t), y(t))$, or $g(u,v)=f(x(u,v),
y(u,v))$; second derivatives too. For practice see the old exams.
Clairaut’s theorem, and how to find a function $f(x,y)$ if you are given its partial derivatives
$f_x(x,y)=P(x,y)$ and $f_y(x,y)=Q(x,y)$.
Note the even though there may not be an explicit question of this form on the exam, knowing how to find $f$
can be very useful when doing line integrals.
Maxima and minima of functions of two or three variables (the theorems: continuous function
on a closed and bounded set always has a max and a min; if a max or min is an interior point,
then it’s a critical point)
Second derivative test (say in words why it works? Know how to analyze the second order terms by completing a square)
Lagrange multipliers (don’t forget the so-called “exceptional case”)
Double & Triple integrals
(finding the integration bounds from a drawing or description of the domain;
drawing the domain given the integration bounds;
changing the order of integration)
Know that $\int_\cC1\,ds$ is the length of the curve $\cC$, $\iint_\cR1\,dA$ is the area of the two dimensional region $\cR$, and
$\iiint_\cR 1dV$ is the volume of $\cR$ if $\cR$ is a three dimensional region.
Polar, Cylindrical, and Spherical Coordinates (recognize regions that are “blocks” in either
cylindrical or spherical coordinates; understand the drawings that shows $dA=r\, dr\,d\theta$, $dV=r\,dz\,dr\,d\theta$,
and $dV = \rho^2\sin\phi\,d\rho\,d\theta\,d\phi$)
Line integrals (work and flux integrals; differential form version)
and Green's theorem: the two forms (“work” and “flux” integrals).
The fundamental theorem (about the line integral when the vector field is the gradient of a function.)
See a short summary of line integrals
and the
Extra problems about line
integrals (with answers)
Old final exams
There will be three midterm exams.
These will be held during the normal lecture hour at 7:45am.
Midterm 3— Monday, November 20
Topics: See
the study guide
for the list of topics covered on the third midterm.
Midterm 2— Wednesday, October 25
Topics: See
the study guide
for the list of topics covered on the second midterm.
Midterm 1— Wednesday, September 27
The exam with solutions (pdf).