Lecture notes and tutorials

Graduate course on modern discrete probability

Advanced undergraduate course on the mathematics of data

First year of graduate probability theory

Topics course on high-dimensional probability and statistics

Topics course on stochastic processes in evolutionary genetics

Brief survey of mathematical phylogenetics

Tutorial on sequence-length requirements in phylogenetics

Summer school slides on probability on graphs with applications to data science

Tutorial slides on mathematical phylogenomics

This semester

Spring 2025: MATH 535 - Mathematical Methods in Data Science
Spring 2025: MATH 345/491 - Linear Algebra and Optimization

Past courses at UW-Madison

Fall 2023: MATH 833 - Modern Discrete Probability [Topics in Probability]

Spring 2023: MATH 632 - Introduction to stochastic processes

Fall 2022: MATH 535 - Mathematical Methods in Data Science

Spring 2022: MATH 535 - Mathematical Methods in Data Science

Fall 2021: MATH 888 - High-Dimensional Probability and Statistics [Topics in Mathematical Data Science]

Fall 2020: MATH 535 - Mathematical Methods in Data Science
Fall 2020: MATH 833 - Modern Discrete Probability [Topics in Probability]

Spring 2020: MATH 535 - Mathematical Methods in Data Science

Fall 2019: MATH 431 - Introduction to the Theory of Probability

Spring 2018: MATH 734 - Theory of Probability II

Fall 2017: MATH 833 - Modern Discrete Probability [Topics in Probability]
Fall 2017: MATH 431 - Introduction to the Theory of Probability

Fall 2016: MATH 632 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes

Spring 2015: MATH 632 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes

Fall 2014: MATH 632 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes
Fall 2014: MATH 833 - Modern Discrete Probability [Topics in Probability]

Fall 2013: MATH 331 - Introduction to Probability and Markov Chain Modeling
Fall 2013: MATH 632 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes
Fall 2013: MATH 733 - Theory of Probability I

Fall 2012: MATH 213 - Calculus and Introduction to Differential Equations
Fall 2012: MATH 833 - Stochastic Processes in Evolution and Genetics [Topics in Probability]

Past courses at UCLA

Spring 2012

MATH 32B: Calculus of Several Variables (Undergraduate) - UCLA

Description: Prerequisite: course 31B and 32A. Introduction to integral calculus of several variables, line and surface integrals..

MATH 285J: Applied Probability -- An Introduction (Graduate) - UCLA

Description: Prerequisite: undergraduate probability course will be useful. Overview of Basic Probability: Events; Random variables; Generating functions; Basic limit laws; Simulation. Introduction to Markov Processes: Markov chains; Poisson processes; Branching processes; Continuous-time Markov processes; Diffusion processes and numerical methods (if time permits).

Winter 2012

MATH 32B: Calculus of Several Variables (Undergraduate) - UCLA

Description: Prerequisite: course 31B and 32A. Introduction to integral calculus of several variables, line and surface integrals..

MATH 275B: Probability Theory (Graduate) - UCLA

Description: Prerequisite: course 245A or 265A. Connection between probability theory and real analysis. Weak and strong laws of large numbers, central limit theorem, conditioning, ergodic theory, martingale theory.

Spring 2011

MATH 182: Algorithms (Undergraduate) - UCLA

Description: Prerequisite: course 3C or 32A. Graphs, greedy algorithms, divide and conquer algorithms, dynamic programming, network flow. Emphasis on designing efficient algorithms useful in diverse areas such as bioinformatics and allocation of resources.

Winter 2011

MATH 275B: Probability Theory (Graduate) - UCLA

Description: Prerequisite: course 245A or 265A. Connection between probability theory and real analysis. Weak and strong laws of large numbers, central limit theorem, conditioning, ergodic theory, martingale theory.

Fall 2010

MATH 275A: Probability Theory (Graduate) - UCLA

Description: Prerequisite: course 245A or 265A. Connection between probability theory and real analysis. Weak and strong laws of large numbers, central limit theorem, conditioning, ergodic theory, martingale theory.

Spring 2010

MATH 285K: Topics in Probability: Stochastic Processes in Evolution and Genetics (Graduate) - UCLA

Description: Prerequisite: No biology background is required; a graduate course in stochastic processes will be useful. Rigorous mathematical analysis of probabilistic and combinatorial structures arising from biology, mostly in the study of evolution and genetics. See website for details.

Winter 2010

MATH 275B: Probability Theory (Graduate) - UCLA

Description: Prerequisite: course 245A or 265A. Connection between probability theory and real analysis. Weak and strong laws of large numbers, central limit theorem, conditioning, ergodic theory, martingale theory.

updated: 01/03/25