Graduate course on modern discrete probability
Advanced undergraduate course on the mathematics of data
First year of graduate probability theory
Topics course on high-dimensional probability and statistics
Topics course on stochastic processes in evolutionary genetics
Brief survey of mathematical phylogenetics
Tutorial on sequence-length requirements in phylogenetics
Summer school slides on probability on graphs with applications to data science
Tutorial slides on mathematical phylogenomics
Spring 2025: MATH 535 - Mathematical Methods in Data Science
Spring 2025: MATH 345/491 - Linear Algebra and Optimization
Fall 2023: MATH 833 - Modern Discrete Probability [Topics in Probability]
Spring 2023: MATH 632 - Introduction to stochastic processes
Fall 2022: MATH 535 - Mathematical Methods in Data Science
Spring 2022: MATH 535 - Mathematical Methods in Data Science
Fall 2021: MATH 888 - High-Dimensional Probability and Statistics [Topics in Mathematical Data Science]
Fall 2020: MATH 535 - Mathematical Methods in Data Science
Fall 2020: MATH 833 - Modern Discrete Probability [Topics in Probability]
Spring 2020: MATH 535 - Mathematical Methods in Data Science
Fall 2019: MATH 431 - Introduction to the Theory of Probability
Spring 2018: MATH 734 - Theory of Probability II
Fall 2017: MATH 833 - Modern Discrete Probability [Topics in Probability]
Fall 2017: MATH 431 - Introduction to the Theory of Probability
Fall 2016: MATH 632 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes
Spring 2015: MATH 632 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes
Fall 2014: MATH 632 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes
Fall 2014: MATH 833 - Modern Discrete Probability [Topics in Probability]
Fall 2013: MATH 331 - Introduction to Probability and Markov Chain Modeling
Fall 2013: MATH 632 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes
Fall 2013: MATH 733 - Theory of Probability I
Fall 2012: MATH 213 - Calculus and Introduction to Differential Equations
Fall 2012: MATH 833 - Stochastic Processes in Evolution and Genetics [Topics in Probability]
MATH 32B: Calculus of Several Variables (Undergraduate) - UCLA
MATH 285J: Applied Probability -- An Introduction (Graduate) - UCLA
MATH 32B: Calculus of Several Variables (Undergraduate) - UCLA
MATH 275B: Probability Theory (Graduate) - UCLA
MATH 182: Algorithms (Undergraduate) - UCLA
MATH 275B: Probability Theory (Graduate) - UCLA
MATH 275A: Probability Theory (Graduate) - UCLA
MATH 285K: Topics in Probability: Stochastic Processes in Evolution and Genetics (Graduate) - UCLA
MATH 275B: Probability Theory (Graduate) - UCLA