Prof. Robbin's 541 Home Page: Fall 2000

My Home Page Office Phone E-Mail 313 Van Vleck 3-4698 robbin @

Look at the syllabus (Adobe Acrobat).
IMPORTANT: The final exam will be on Thursday, December 21, 2000, at 12:25 pm.

(Most of the following files are pdf files. You can read and/or print them if you have the Acrobat Reader. This is a program which can be a Netscape plugin and which comes with WiscWorld.)

This crude account of my lectures (Acrobat Reader). will be updated from time to time.
Here are quiz 1 and quiz 2 and quiz 5.
Here is the handout on Logics, Sets, and Proofs.
Here are the homework assignments so far.
Here some answers to the homework. (This file will be enlarged from time to time.)
Here is a proof of Gauss's Lemma and the Eisenstein Criterion which is a little different from the one in the text.