Math 211 Calculus for business, social science,
and biology.
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09-02 ..
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.... Homework problems
Exam 1 Thur Oct 6 7:15pm-9:15pm
exam1.tex ..
exam1.pdf .. answers at the end
exam1 scores .. program used to make exam1.sco
Details of Exam 1 ...
Cheating Prevention
Exam 2 Thur Nov 17 7:15pm-9:15pm
exam2.tex ..
exam2.pdf .. Answers at end ...
exam2 scores
Details of Exam 2
Final Exam Sunday Dec 18 10:05am-12:05
final.tex ..
final.pdf .. Answers at end ...
final scores
Details of Final
Q. For double integration (7.6) will we have to know how to find the x
and y bounds (region R) for the intervals or will they be given to us (or
A. I will ask questions just like the assigned homework problems.
Q. On a practice final (2006) online there are numerous questions at the
end that are multiple choice word problems. Should we expect problems
like this or just solving problems (like the last midterm).
A. Good idea, I will try to think of some mult-choice problems for
the exam.
Q. Word problems tend to trip me up; do you have any suggestions for how
to study for these concept based questions, if there are any?
A. Sorry, I don't know of any suggestions.
Q. I'm emailing you regarding the review questions for chapters 6
and 7 because in your last email you gave us problems for chapters
1-5 and would send us chapters 6 and 7 later on. I was wondering
if it was possible to still get those questions.
A. The review questions for 6,7 are identical to the assigned
homework problems. The review questions for 1-5 are the problems
I used for exams 1,2.
Q. With that being said, how could I better prepare for your
final exam? Will it be more similar to the first or the
second exam? Also, which aspects of Chapters 3-5 should we
focus on since there are so many word problems with multiple
steps involved?
A. Here is how I will make the final exam:
I randomly choose an assigned homework problem,
make small changes in it, and then put it on the exam.
Q. If you do not put a question up from a section (like 1.4) does that
mean that that section will not be on the final?
A. No.
Q. Will there be a certain percent from ch 1 or 2 per se since those were
easier (making up less of the test) than 3-5 for the 2nd 50%?
And lastly will there be the same amount of questions as the other exams?
A. I will be making the exam on Saturday. Until then I don't know.
Q.For the selection of review homework problems you gave us, are they
from the homework problems from their corresponding lessons? Or
are they from the chapter reviews?
A. "1.1-39" means problem 39 at the end of section 1.1
Q. I know it's early, but are there any specific chapters
and/or sections you'd recommend prioritizing for study in
preparation for the final?
A. I will have to give that some thought. The final will
definitely cover chapters 1-7 but I have not decided how
much of each.
My best guess right now
50% chapt 1-5
50% chapt 6-7
Q. How can I choose between present and future value formulas?
A. They are the same formula. F = P e^{in} and F e^{-in}= P
Q. How do I know to choose between the
formula we learned from from chapter 4 and the formula from
chapter 5? Will the exam explicitly state it wants the future
value of an income stream or what?
A. Questions on the exam will be asked just like homework
questions in the book.
Q. Will we have lecture on Wednesday, November 23rd? Also, will
we have class the Friday after the midterm?
A. No class on either of those days. Happy Thanksgiving!
Q. Do we have most of exam questions from our homework?
A. Yes.
Q. Will we have word problems from the last two sections of
chapter 5 ( the applications from social sciences or the
revolution of solid)?
A. Yes.
Q. Will any formulas be given on the exam, or is it necessary to
memorize them all?
A. You will have to remember any formula that you needed to work
a homework problem. I suggest writting them down on a sheet of
paper and copying over that paper a few times. It also
helps to remember them, if you can understand how they were derived.
Q. Do we have regular class on Wednesday Nov. 23rd?
A. Right now I am thinking of canceling.
Q. Do you have any old tests or anything we could use to study?
A. My old exams are on-line but I do not recommend you study
from them. The book was different. See
old stuff
Q. Do you have any tips or anything to study for your exam?
A. I recommend you work problems from the text, including the
review problems at the end of the chapters and problems that
I did not assign.
Q. I am wondering how the Math 211 course is being graded.
Will the scores be curved and if not what is the scale?
A. Scores might be curved after the results of the
test are known.
Q. I am having problems registering in Math 211, how can I get help?
A. Closed Lecture? Time Change Needed? Can't Get Into The Right Section?
Help Desk for Math Course Registration - 307 Van Vleck
Sep. 2 & 6 8:30am - 3:30pm ....
Sep. 7 - 8 9:00am - 3:00pm ....
Sep. 9 - 16 10:00am - 2:00pm
Q. Two of my three classes Friday, Sept. 2 have been cancelled. Just
in to make sure we are definitely having class on Friday.
A. There will be class.
Q. Can you tell me what your calculator policy is?
A. Calculators are banned from exams.
Homework problems I assign will not
need them and I don't recommend using them.