Mo We Fr 19 21 Jan 24 26 28 31 2 4 Feb 7 9 11 14 16 18 21 23 25 28 2 4 Mar 7 9 11 SPRING BREAK 21 23 25 28 30 1 4 6 8 Apr 11 13 15 18 20 22 25 27 29 2 4 6 May |
The final examThe final will be cumulative in the sense that you will have to understand all topics covered this semester to do the final. To prepare for the final review the practice problems posted at our Notes, links and slides page.The first midterm examThe exam will cover all material in §3.1—3.6. Here is a study guide for the first midterm.The second midterm examThe exam will cover all material that was introduced since the previous exam. For a more precise description of topics see this study guide.The second midterm with a discussion of the solutions. The grades in the first midterm were rather high, unlike those in the second. My experience from previously teaching this course suggests that the average of your first and second midterm grades is a reasonabe predictor of you final grade — of course that is just a statistic, and you are in control of your grade! Here is a histogram of the average first and second midterm grades:
Exam datesThere will be two midterm exams, which will be held during a regular lecture. The exam dates areFriday April 1 for the second midterm. |