Math 320 — Homework Assignments


Homework assignments

Using your computer

About the exams

Notes, links and slides

Mo We Fr
   19 21 Jan
24 26 28
31  2  4 Feb
 7  9 11
14 16 18
21 23 25
28  2  4 Mar
 7  9 11
21 23 25
28 30  1
 4  6  8 Apr
11 13 15
18 20 22
25 27 29
 2  4  6 May

Homework will be assigned every monday in lecture, and later posted on this page. Homework must be returned in lecture on the following monday. It should be neatly written; separate sheets must be stapled (no paper clips, etc.); your name must appear on each sheet. Homework that does not meet these standards will not be graded.

Due Monday May 2.

Our last topic is about solving inhomogeneous equations. This subject is spread out over the book. Most of what we'll do is contained in §7.4 (“forced oscillations”) and §8.2. Reading:
  • §8.2: Examples 1, 2, and 3.
  • §7.4: Examples 1 and 2 are review from last week's topic (Second order systems). Read these examples (example 2 is a bit long, but you should at least be able to find the eigenvalues and vectors of the 3x3 matrix A by yourself, and you should be able to interpret the corresponding terms in the general solution). Then read page 440/441. I will do an example like example 3 (p.441) in lecture this week.
  • §7.4: 8, 10, 12.
  • §8.2: 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 10.
  • §7.4: This extra problem about §7.4.

Due Monday April 25.

  • §7.1: Examples 3 and 4 show you how to turn one or more higher order diffeqs into a system of first order equations. Example 5 shows how to do the opposite.
  • §7.1: The two paragraphs at the bottom of page 400 explain (very briefly) what a direction field and what the phase plane portrait of a system of two first order differential equations is.
  • §7.4 The paragraphs on page 434, beginning with Solution of Second Order Systems explain how to solve such systems. In the special case that the matrix only has negative eigenvalues Theorem 1 summarizes the result. It is worth knowing the derivation since it also applies to variations on this kind of problem (e.g. if you add friction or a magnetic field), while Theorem 1 doesn't tell you anything about slightly different equations. I will go over this in class on Wednesday.
  • §7.3: 38, 39.
  • §7.3: Read example 4, and in particular the explaining paragraphs before that example, on page 427. Find the eigenvalues corresponding to the system (22) (page 427) in which k1=k2=1, and k3=K (K is some positive number). For which values of the constant K do you get complex eigenvalues, and for which do you get only real eigenvalues?
  • §7.4: 1, 3, 5, 7.

Due Monday April 18.

  • §7.3: Read the entire section carefully. It explains how to use the eigenvalues and eigenvectors to compute the general solution to almost any system of linear ordinary diffeqs with constant coefficients.
  • Write a description of the procedure which allows you to compute the general solution to a system of differential equations x'=Ax, where A is a real n×n matrix. Your writeup should be clear enough so that someone who knows how to compute eigenvalues & eigenvectors of a square matrix could read it and solve x'=Ax by following your description.
  • §7.3: 3, 6, 9, 11, 19, 22, 24, 25.
    This is not a very long list of problems, but they are all multistep problems so don't underestimate the amount of work needed.

Due Monday April 11.

  • §6.1: Read the entire section carefully. It explains what eigenvalues and eigenvectors are, and how to compute them. The Algorithm on page 369 summarizes how you go about finding eigenvalues/vectors; the examples in this section show you the details of the process.
  • §6.2: Summary: An n-by-n matrix is diagonalizable if you can find n linearly independent eigenvectors for the matrix. So the question “can the matrix A be diagonalized?” is the same as “can you find n linearly independent eigenvectors for A?” Eigenvectors corresponding to different eigenvalues are always linearly independent.
  • §6.1: 6, 10, 14, 18, 19, 23, 29, 32, 33, 34.
  • §6.2: 1, 5, 8, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22.

Due Monday March 28.

Reading: Much of the material here is review from math 222. New are the concept of linear independence of functions (which I won't emphasize) and the Wronskian.
  • §5.2: Linear independence is the concept which tells you when n solutions y1, …, yn (of a linear homogeneous equation) are good enough to generate the general solution via y = c1y1 + … + cnyn. The formal definition is given in the book on page 305. There, and on the following page (306) it is related to the Wronskian. See examples on pages 306, 307 for the use of the Wronskian
  • §5.2: Page 310 explains how to solve nonhomogenous equations.
  • §5.3: If you have forgotten how to solve constant coefficient linear equations (in particular, if you need to be reminded on what to do when there are complex roots) all you need to know is in this section. Examples 4, 5, 7, and 8 (pages 321–323) are typical of what you need to know.
  • §5.6: Resonance is an important example of how solutions of a linear differential equation depend on the frequency in the nonhomogeneous term. Think of this chapter as a very long worked example of the theory explained in math 222, and in the previous sections in the book.
  • §5.2: 13, 15, 19. In addition to doing these problems, compute the Wronskian for the given solutions in each case. Finally, which of these equations has constant coefficients?
  • §5.2: 21, 24, 31. Also 25: write out a neat proof in english (sentences that have a verb) beginning with “we must show that ”, followed by “Proof:” The coefficients p and q in this problem are functions of x, so p=p(x), q=q(x).
  • §5.3: 9, 15, 17. Also compute the Wronskians of the solutions you find.
  • §5.3: 27, 33, 36.
  • §5.6: 4, 11, 12 (try to find particular solutions of the form A cosωt + B sinωt, as explained in example 6, page 360/361.)

Due Monday March 21.

  • §2.2: Make sure you understand the relations between Figures 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 on page 93, and between figures 2.2.3 and 2.2.5 on page 95.
  • §2.4: Make sure you understand Euler's method (middle of page 113, until box on page 114.)
  • Explain in two or three sentences why the authors of the book call equation (9) (page 95) the “explosion/extinction equation.”
  • §2.2: Find the equilibrium points, the phase diagram, and use your phase diagram to determine which of the critical points are stable, for the differential equations in problems 1,2,3,4,7,9,10. You do not have to find the general solution to these equations (even though the book asks you to do this).
    In each of these problems, let x(t) be the solution for which x(0) = 0.73. Compute the limit of x(t) as t goes to +∞. You can do this using the phase diagram you found, and you do not need to compute the general solution of the diffeq.
  • §2.2: Draw Bifurcation diagrams — more precisely, draw a diagram as in example 6, but also indicate which of the solutions are stable and which are unstable by coloring the stable equilibria blue and the unstable ones red (or your choice of colors): Problems 19, 20, 21, 29.
  • §2.4: Do problem 4. You will probably need a calculator. Do all computations in at least three decimal places.
  • Go to the the logistic equation solver at the Virtual Math Museum. The equation being solved is y' = ay(b-y) with a=1 and b=5. Select "Euler's method" and "Connect dots", and set the step size to 2.0 (instead of the default value 0.1). Plot a few solutions, choosing initial values somewhere between 0 and 5. What is most noticably wrong with the solutions produced by Euler's method at step size h=2.0? (Do the solutions converge as time goes to ∞?)

Due Monday March 7.

Reading: §4.6. and Chapter 1 (much of which should be review from calculus).

§1.4: 19,20,21.
§1.5: 3, 5, 16[find two different solutions — the equation is both linear and separable], 20.
§1.3: (do this problem after wednesday's lecture) In problem 3 you are shown a slope field for a diffeq.

  • Two solutions are drawn in the picture: let's call them y1 and y2. Are they equal at x=-3, ie. is y1(-3) = y2(-3)? (you should answer this question without solving the equation. If you use a theorem, say which one it is, and quote the page in the book where you can find the theorem.)
  • Find the general solutions of the diffeq.
  • Which values of the constant in your general solution correspond to y1 and y2? How much do y1(-3) and y2(-3) really differ? (From the picture you can see that y1(3)≈1.7 and y2(3)≈-2.2.)

Due Monday February 28.

Reading: §4.3, §4.4, §4.5.
§4.2: 2, 3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 17, 21. 23, 26, 27, 28.
§4.3: 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20
§4.4: 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 12, 15, 22.

“Due” Monday February 21.

This week you get a reading assignment: read all of §4.2! The important concepts are the definitions of Rn (page 239), of Subspace (page 241), also Theorem 1 (page 241), and examples 2, 3, 4 (page 242). In lecture last Wednesday I showed you what some subspaces of R3.

Due Monday February 14.

§3.6, problems 1—20 (many of these are easy!), 21 (but never do 22—40); conceptual problems: 50—54.

Due Monday February 7.

§3.4, problems 1, 5, 7, 11, 12; 27, 31, 32, 33, (optional: 36, 37);
§3.5, problems 2, 8, 9, 11, 21, 23, 32, 34.

Due Monday January 31.

§3.2, problems 2, 4, 6, 11, 23, 24, 25, 26;
§3.3, problems 1, 3, 7, 17, 33, 34.

Due Monday, January 24.

§3.1 — 8, 11, 16, 19.