Welcome Students of M222.
First Day Handout
Hmwk Quiz Problems 1
Hmwk Quiz Problems 2
Hmwk Quiz Problems 3
Exam 1 & 2 & Final (TeX)
Exam 1 & 2 & Final (PDF)
Exam 1 scores (ascii)
Exam 2 scores (ascii)
Final scores (ascii)
Tutorial Help is available:
(1) MathLab. Free drop-in help to students in M101-223 including M221. B227 Van Vleck. Mon-Thur 3:30-5:10pm, 6:30-8:10pm
(2) Tutorial Program. For students who are in danger of earning a D or F, or haven't had a math course in several years, or are retaking the course. Students meet in small groups twice a week with a tutor to solve problems. For further information contact Claire Rider, crider@math.wisc.edu, 321 Van Vleck.
(3) GUTS Greater University Tutoring Service. 303 Union South Mon-Thur 1-5pm. Also if you would like to Tutor they accept volunteers.
If you would like to work in a group, try the Math Board. This is a bulletin board opposite B207 Van Vleck Hall. It gives an easy way for you to find others sharing your interest and perhaps your classes.
For those who are looking for more calculus problems and like to read, note that searching under subject Calculus reveals over 500 books in the library system. Mostly they are under the call number QA 303.
Computer programs used in class
hello.exe hello.exe is a basic
interpreter for IBM pc clones. To use type: hello program_name.tru
numint.tru demonstrates numerical integration
dirfiel1.tru direction fields
dirfiel2.tru direction fields
taylor1.tru taylor polynomials
taylor2.tru taylor polynomials
taylor3.tru taylor polynomials
circle.tru velocity and acceleration
sine.tru velocity and acceleration
helix.tru velocity and acceleration
whirl.tru velocity and acceleration
Old Calculus Exams
exam85.tex Exams from 85 (TeX)
exam87.tex Exams from 87 (TeX)
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browser plugin (www.adobe.com)
Get Acrobat. You can print from this program.
The files of the form *.tex are plain ascii and in the markup
language TeX (by D.Knuth) with macro package LaTeX. You can read
these if you ignore the typesetting commands, eg $ \ etc.