Math 210 Fall 2003
A.Miller homepage
Welcome to Math 210.
first day handout
homework and lecture schedule
old exams
exam1.tex ..
exam1.pdf ..
exam1.cur curve
exam2.tex ..
exam2.pdf ..
exam2.cur curve
final.tex ..
The answers are at the end of each exam.
Here are the cutoffs for 2*exam1 + exam2: d 114 c 140 bc 160 b 168 ab 192 a 196 For example, 159 is a C but 160 is a BC. Final Tue Dec 16 12:25pm-2:25pm
email announcements oct03... nov03... dec03...
TA: Youngsuk Lee ....
Discussion Sections: DIS 332 9:55 R 395 VAN HISE DIS 331 9:55 T 52 BASCOM DIS 335 12:05p T 123 INGRAHAM DIS 336 12:05p R 114 INGRAHAM Mathlab: A place for students to work together with other students in the same course. Tutors and graduate students are on-hand to assist with short questions. Location: B227 Van Vleck Hours: Mon-Thur 3:30pm-8:30pm
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