
Current group

Principal Investigator


Ph.D. students
Carsen Grote ('23-)

Jingyi Li ('22-)

Hanzhang Mao ('23-)

Sylvia Shi ('24-)

M.S. students

Undergraduate students
Michael Zhao ('23-)


Prerna Gera ('18-'21)

Arthur Evans ('15-'17)

Ph.D. students
Wilson Lough


Tom Morrell ('14-'19) (co-supervised with Jean-Luc Thiffeault)

        [Research Data Scientist at Ordinal Science]

Will Mitchell ('12-'17) (John Nohel prize for best dissertation in Applied Mathematics at UW-Madison, 2017)

    [Assistant Professor, Macalester College]

Lei Li ('13-'15) (John Nohel prize for best dissertation in Applied Mathematics at UW-Madison, 2015)

    [Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University]

Bryan Crompton ('13-'14)

MS students
Jiarui Huang ('22-'23)

Huangyi Huang

Visiting scholars

Jorge Bailon-Cuba (University of Puerto Rico) ('19)

Faustine Gomand (Université de Lorraine) ('18)

Undergraduate students
Samuel Christianson ('19-'22) (Hilldale undergraduate research fellowship, 2021)
Zhiyue (Mark) Han ('21-'24)

Siwei Wang ('23-)

Lingfan Chen (Summer '15)

Rujeko Chinomona ('13) [Graduate student, Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University]

Chris DuPre ('17-'19) [Graduate student, Applied Mathematics, Georgia Tech]

Shiyang Fang (Summer '13) [Graduate student, Computational Finance, Carnegie Mellon]

Janelle Lajeunesse ('13)

Joseph Lukasik ('13-'14) (co-supervised with Jean-Luc Thiffeault)

Aaron Raucher ('17)

Austyn Simpson (Summer '15)

Anne Ulrich ('16-'18) (Hilldale undergraduate research fellowship, 2017)

Colin Wahl ('13-'16) (Hilldale undergraduate research fellowship, 2015) [Graduate student, Applied Science and Technology, UC Berkeley]

Thomas Wilkinson ('19-'20)

Max Wrenn (Summer '15)

Dake Zhang (Summer '13) [Graduate student, Computational Finance, Carnegie Mellon]

Yue Zhao ('14-'16)

Zonghao Zou ('18-'20) [Graduate student, Mechanical Engineering, Santa Clara University]

High school students

Christopher Xu ('15).

Summer 2013

Pictured, from left to right: Lei Li, Janelle Lajeunesse, Yao Yao (REU advisor), Rujeko Chinomona, Abraham Lincoln, Bryan Crompton, Will Mitchell, Dake Zhang, Shiyang Fang, Saverio Spagnolie.

Summer 2019

Pictured, from left to right: Wilson Lough, Chris DuPre, Saverio Spagnolie, Prerna Gera. (Off camera: Zonghao Zou)