Thierry Laurens

Van Vleck Visiting Assistant Professor

Thierry Laurens

Van Vleck Visiting Assistant Professor

My Portrait

Thierry Laurens

Visiting Assistant Professor

University of Wisconsin–Madison
Department of Mathematics
Van Vleck Hall
Madison, WI 53706
Office: Van Vleck 407


I am a Van Vleck Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics. My research interests are dispersive partial differential equations, completely integrable systems, and harmonic analysis. My postdoctoral advisor is Mihaela Ifrim.

I received my PhD in mathematics from UCLA under the guidance of Rowan Killip and Monica Visan.


Fall 2024:
Math 415 (Applied Dynamical Systems, Chaos and Modeling)
Math 421 (The Theory of Single Variable Calculus) section 1

Office hours will be posted on the course Canvas page.