Math 801: Fall 2000

Selected Problems in Scientific Computing

Fabian Waleffe

Day  Time  Place 
TR  2:30-3:45pm B231 Van Vleck Hall

Math 801 meets with CS/Math 713 exceptionally in Fall 2000. Which course should you register for?

Office hours: by appointment.

Homework and Problem sets


REFERENCES: (no textbook required, "A Multigrid tutorial" is very readable)

You can purchase these books online from SIAM . You may want to become a student member of SIAM first as this entitles you to a 20% discount on list prices. Student membership dues is $23 for 1.5 years, not bad and you receive SIAM news every month.

Other good general references on numerical linear algebra (including iterative methods) are :

  1. Matrix Computations, Gene H. Golub, Charles F. Van Loan, Johns Hopkins Press 1996 (3rd edition) (ON RESERVE QA 188 G65 1996)
  2. Applied Numerical Linear Algebra, James W. Demmel, SIAM 1997 (QA 184 D455 1997)
  3. Numerical Linear Algebra, Lloyd N. Trefethen, David Bau III, SIAM 1997 (QA 184 T74 1997)


Advanced Calculus (through Math 321 at least), Linear Algebra (e.g. Math 340), general physics and chemistry, elementary numerical methods (e.g. CS 412), familiarity with Matlab or a programming language (e.g. Fortran, C, C++,...).


A complete look at the mathematical, scientific and computational aspects of a few problems in scientific computing. Selected problems may be tuned to students' research needs and interests. The proposed outline for Fall 2000 is Future offerings of this course may cover:


There will be at least 5 homeworks requiring programming and 2 in-class exams. NO FINAL.