Homework 13, Wed. 2/16/2011 :
- We spent most of the lecture answering the question: what is Qij Qjk? That was a great question! We started with a simple but non-trivial example for Q, then noticed something `obvious' about the result of our example. `Obvious' if we ground through the trig correctly then looked carefully at our result (not the route I took), or stopped and thought about what we were doing (i.e. two successive identical rotations) and checked it with the trig to make sure we were not delusional. Then we tried to verify it in general, for any orthogonal matrix Q, using index notation.
- Optional: Develop an `App' for the iPhone4 that makes use of its gyroscope (I claim 10% or your profits!).
- FYI, two companies that make MEMS gyros: InvenSense and
Analog Devices (I'm not recommending that you buy anything, just informing you about modern tech industries where they make devices that use Euler angles or related concepts, and how these are hidden into your iPhone4 or your Wii or your ...)
- I suspect that (as is often the case) many students are trying to tackle the exercises directly, by trial and error and a lot of help from the TA, without first digesting the notes and the concepts. For instance, it seems that few have actually digested the last 2 equations on the bottom of page (29). You have been told that result many times in the lectures and how they explain/imply (88) and (89), but can you actually deduce all of it for yourself? Yep, we've got two sets of three orthonormal vectors, so this is not trivial, but it can be understood. The cool thing about true understanding is that suddenly it all makes sense and you `know' all the formulas.
Onwards to part 2: Vector Calculus