I believe in text

Posted on Mon 06 March 2023 in Text

Article summary: useRalativeImagePath

Update: Yes, this is a rant. It's a rant against the assumptions that: everybody learns equally well from video content, that video is actually superior to text. I welcome your statements of objection ... in writing.

I believe in text.

If you want to explain something technical or complex to me, then write it down. If it's not worth writing down then it's probably not worth explaining. Don't make a video. Just don't.

And if you want to show me some programming technique don't do it using a video. Programming is a highly textual endeavor. Why lose all the benfits that text offers? Why force me to engage with your lesson in a strictly time-sequential manner when there is no benefit to that? Your blasting of billions of irrelevant pixels at me does not make me understand any better. It forces me into the speed of your speech and the speed of your thought. It's all about you.

Text allows you to write as fast as you want and for me to read it at my own pace without all the fluff and distraction that does nothing for either of us.

I belive in text.