Notes on Ramsey Theory ... ramsey.tex .. ramsey.pdf

Fall 1996

course no.: 873
title: Topics in Foundations
instructor: A. Miller
prerequisite: 771
book: none

This course will be about infinite combinatorics. We will start
with the Galvin-Prikry Theorem which is an infinite analogue
of Ramsey's Theorem for Borel partitions. We plan to cover Hindman's
theorem and its Borel generalization due to Milliken. Also the
dual-Ramsey theorem of Carlson-Simpson and the infinitary version of the
Hales-Jewitt Theorem due to Carlson. We will cover
betterquasi-order theory and its use by Laver to prove Fraisse's
conjecture: Given any sequence L(n) of countable linear orders
there exists n less than m such that L(n) order embeds into L(m).

those attending:

joni erin baker
evan john griffiths
moses gabriel klein
stephen will tanner
mark fuller