Math 776 Spring 2009
A.Miller homepage
Welcome to Math 776.

Prerequisite preq.pdf
This was excerpted from my notes for M770:
Introduction to Mathematical Logic - Moore style logintro.pdf
It is from: M776-97 old web sites

These two books are on reserve in the Math Library:
Model theory by C.C. Chang, and H.J. Keisler QA9.7 C45 1990
Model theory : an introduction by David Marker. QA9.7 M367 2002

These lecture notes are on-line:
Fundamentals of Model Theory by William Weiss and Cherie D'Mello: Weiss
Pillay's lecture notes on model theory: Pillay
Simpson's lecture notes on model theory: Simpson

Homework problems are due in class one week from the day assigned (which is in parentheses)....
home.tex .. home.pdf