Math 819–Partial Differential Equations
Text book
Partial Differential Equations by L.C.Evans
Course outline
Conservation Laws
- Transport equations: the pde $u_t+au_x=0$. Evans: §2.1.1
(page 18). Method of characteristics for quasilinear first order
scalar pde $u_t+a(x, u)u_x = b(x, u)$. §3.2.2 (page
99—). Evans treats the fully nonlinear case.
Look here for the
computation about characteristics in the much simpler quasilinear
- Conservation laws, and Burger's equation in particular: solution
by characteristics, non-existence of global solutions.
- Integral solutions for conservation laws: Evans §3.4.1
(page 136—137)
- Rankine–Hugoniot condition. Non uniqueness of integral
solutions (still Evans §3.4.1)
Homework #1
- Entropy condition.
- Existence of entropy solutions for Burger’s equation using
finite differences. We give a different proof from Evans’s
(bacause we skipped the section on HJ
equations). Here are class
notes for the alternative proof.
- Uniqueness of the entropy solution (time permitting).
Laplace and Poisson's equations
- Fundamental solutions; Newton potential and Poisson kernel.
- Mean Value property of harmonic functions.
- Maximum principle; harmonic functions are $C^\infty$ smooth; two
proofs of the interior gradient estimate for harmonic
functions–one using the Mean Value Property, and one using
Bernstein’s method.
Homework #2
- Dirichlet’s principle.
Sobolev spaces and Second order elliptic equations
- Lecture notes for math 725 from spring 2000. These contain a quick introduction to distributions, Functional analysis, and Sobolev spaces.
- Definition of Sobolev spaces $W^{1,p}(U)$, $W_0^{1,p}(U)$,
$W^{-1,p}(U)$. Density of smooth functions. Boundary values of
$f\in W^{1,p}(U)$.
- Sobolev and Poincaré inequalities.
- Weak formulation of Poisson’s equation. General divergence
form elliptic equations.
- Existence and uniqueness theorem; Lax–Milgram lemma.
- Regularity of weak solutions.
- Compactness: eigenvalues and eigenfunctions.
- Regularity of the “solution” to $-\Delta u = f$.
Heat equation on $\R^n$
- Fundamental solution,
existence for the initial value problem on $\R^n$ .
- Uniqueness and
Tychonov’s example. Widder’s theorem.
- A paradox involving the
heat equation and the Fourier transform.
- The maximum principle for parabolic equations.
- Final homework assignment.
Grades, Homework
Homework problems will be assigned every other week. The course grade
will be based on the homework scores.