The Heat Equation — Existence and Uniqueness
Existence for the Initial value problem on $\R^n$
Recall that
\Phi(x, t) = \frac{1} {(4\pi t)^{n/2}} e^{-|x|^2/4t}
is the fundamental solution to the heat equation in $\R^n$.
Let $g\in C^0(\R^n)$ satisfy
A = \int_{\R^n} e^{-a|x|^2} |g(x)| \, dx\lt \infty
for some $a\gt0$, and define
u(x, t) = \int_{\R^n} \Phi(x-y, t)g(y)\, dy.
- $u(x, t)$ is defined for all $(x,t)\in \R^n\times (0,T)$
where $T= 1/4a$. Moreover, one has
|u(x, t)|\leq (4\pi t)^{-n/2} A e^{|x|^2/4(T-t)}. \tag{1}
- $u \in C^\infty\bigl(\R^n\times (0,T)\bigr)$ and $u_t=\Delta u$
- $u(x, t) \to g(x)$ as $t\searrow 0$, uniformly for bouded $|x|$.
To prove the first assertion, we note that
|\Phi(x-y, t)g(y)| = (4\pi t)^{-n/2} e^{-|x-y|^2/4t}|g(y)|.
Since $2|x\cdot y| \leq \frac{1} {\varepsilon} |x|^2 + \varepsilon
|y|^2$ for any $\varepsilon\gt 0$, we have
|x-y|^2 = |x|^2 - 2x\cdot y+|y|^2 \geq
\left(\frac{1} {\varepsilon}-1\right) |x|^2 + (1-\varepsilon)|y|^2,
and thus
|\Phi(x-y, t)g(y)|
(4 \pi t)^{-n/2} e^{ \frac{1-\varepsilon} {4\varepsilon t}|x|^2}
e^{-\frac{1-\varepsilon} {4t}|y|^2} |g(y)|.
Since $t\lt 1/4a$ we can choose $\varepsilon\gt0$ so that
\frac{1-\varepsilon} {4t} = a, \text{ i.e. }
\varepsilon = 1-4at.
It follows that
|\Phi(x-y, t)g(y)|
\leq (4 \pi t)^{-n/2} e^{ \frac{a} {1-4at}|x|^2}
e^{-a|y|^2} |g(y)|.
Integrating we see that $u(x, t)$ is indeed well defined, and that
the bound
(1) does indeed hold.
To prove that the function $u$ is $C^\infty$, one must show that
one can differentiate under the integral that defines $u$. We will
leave that to the reader.
Finally we show that $u(x, t)\to g(x)$ as $t\searrow0$ for any
$x$. To prove this split the integral for $u$ in two parts
u(x, t) = I_1 + I_2 = \int_{|x-y|\leq 1} + \int_{|x-y|\geq 1}.
We will show that $I_1\to g(x)$ and $I_2\to0$ as $t\searrow0$.
To deal with $I_1$ substitute $y=x+z\sqrt{t}$:
I_1 = (4\pi)^{n/2} \int_{|z|\leq 1/\sqrt t} e^{-|z|^2} g(x+z\sqrt t) \, dx.
The quantity $g(x+z\sqrt t) = g(y)$ is uniformly bounded when
$|x-y|\leq 1$, and converges to $g(x)$ for every $z$. By the
dominated convergence theorem it follows that $I_1\to g(x)$.
Using uniform continuity of $g$ on compact sets one can show tha
the convergence here is uniform in $x$.
For $I_2$ we split the exponential in two equal parts:
|I_2| & \leq (4\pi t)^{n/2} \int_ {|x-y|\ge1}
e^{-|x-y|^2/8t} e^{-|x-y|^2/8t} |g(y)|\, dy \\
&\leq (4\pi t)^{n/2} e^{-1/8t}
\int_{|x-y|\geq1} e^{-|x-y|^2/8t} |g(y)|\, dy. \\
Next, we use the inequality
(2) again, to get
e^{-|x-y|^2/8t} |g(y)| \leq
e^{ \frac{1-\varepsilon} {8\varepsilon t}|x|^2}
e^{-\frac{1-\varepsilon} {8t}|y|^2} |g(y)|
This time we choose $\varepsilon = 1+8at$, which leads to
e^{-|x-y|^2/8t} |g(y)| \leq
e^{a|x|^2/(1+8at)} e^{-a|y|^2} |g(y)|.
Integrating we get
|I_2| \leq (4\pi t)^{n/2} e^{-1/8t} e^{a|x|^2/(1+8at)} A,
which vanishes as $t\searrow0$. ////
Uniqueness for the heat equation on $\R^n\times[0, T)$
The Tychonov solution
shows us that there is generally more than one solution to the
initial value problem for the heat equation on $\R^n\times [0, T)$.
If we impose a growth condition on solutions, then we do get
uniqueness. We use the maximum principle to prove the following
Let $u\in C^0(\R^n\times [0, T))$ be a function whose derivatives
$u_t, u_{x_i},$ and $u_{x_ix_j}$ exist and are continuous on
$\R^n\times (0,T)$, and which satisfies
&u_t \leq \Delta u &\text{ on } \R^n\times(0, T), \\
&u(x, t) \leq Ce^{a|x|^2} &\text{ on } \R^n\times(0, T), \\
&u(x, 0) \leq 0 & \text{for all }x\in \R^n,
where $a\lt\infty$ is some constant.
Then $u(x, t)\leq 0$ for all $x\in\R^n$, $t\in[0, T)$.
This theorem implies a uniqueness result. Namely, suppose $u_1,
u_2:\R^n\times [0, T)\to\R$ are continuous functions whose
derivatives $u_t, u_{x_i},$ and $u_{x_ix_j}$ exist and are
continuous for $0\lt t\lt T$. If both $u_1$ and $u_2$ satisfy
u_t-\Delta u = f(x, t), \qquad u(x, 0) = g(x),
\qquad\qquad (\forall x\in\R^n, 0\lt t\lt T)
and if both are bounded by
|u(x, t)| \leq Ce^{a|x|^2}
for certain constants $C$ and $a$, then $u_1=u_2$. This follows
immediately by applying the above theorem to $u_1-u_2$ and to
Choose $b\gt a$. We will show that $u(x, t)\leq 0$ for all $t\leq
\frac12 T_b$, where $T_b = 1/4b$. By repeating the argument a
finite number of times one then finds that $u\leq 0$ for all $t\lt
Consider for any (small) positive $\epsilon\gt0$ the function
$v(x, t) = u(x, t) - \epsilon \psi(x, t) - \epsilon t$, where
\psi(x, t) = \frac{1} {(4\pi (T_b-t))^{n/2}} e^{+|x|^2/4(T_b-t)}.
Then $\psi$ is a solution of the heat equation, which for $t\leq
\frac 12 T_b$ is bounded by $\psi(x, t) \leq b^{n/2}
e^{b|x|^{n/2}}$. Therefore the function $v$ satisfies
v_t - \Delta v= u_t - \Delta u - \epsilon\psi(x, t) - \epsilon
= u_t - \Delta u - \epsilon \lt 0,
while $v$ is bounded by $v(x, t) \leq Ce^{a|x|^2} - \epsilon
b^{n/2} e^{b|x|^2}$ for all $x, t$. It follows that there is an
$R$ (depending on $\epsilon$ and $b$) such that $v(x, t)\lt 0$ for
$|x|\geq R$ and $t\in[0, \tfrac12 T_b]$.
Now suppose that there were a point $(x_1, t_1)$ with $t_1\leq
\frac12 T_b$ at which $v(x_1, t_1)\gt0$. Then, because $\psi$ is
a continuous function on the compact set $K = \bar B_R(0) \times
[0, \frac12 T_b]$ there would be a point $(x_0, t_0)\in K$ where
$\psi$ is maximal. Since $v\lt0$ for $|x|\geq R$ or $t=0$, we
have $|x_0|\lt R$ and $0\lt t_0 \leq \frac12T_b$. At $(x_0, t_0)$
one therefore has
v_{x_i}=0, \qquad v_{x_kx_k} \leq 0, \qquad v_t\geq 0.
This contradicts $v_t\lt \Delta v$, so we conclude that $v\gt0$
cannot happen. Hence $v\leq 0$ on $\R^n\times [0, \frac12T_b]$, which implies
u\leq \epsilon \psi(x, t) + \epsilon t
on $\R^n\times [0, \frac12T_b]$. This inequality holds for
arbitrary positive $\epsilon$. Letting $\epsilon\to0$ we get
$u\leq 0$ on $\R^n\times [0, \frac12T_b]$.
We have shown that if the solution is nonpositive at $t=0$ then it
will not become positive before $t=\frac12 T_b$. By repeating the
same argument starting at $t=\frac12 T_b$ instead of $t=0$ we find
that $u\leq 0$ for $t\leq T_b$. After applying the argument $k$
times we conclude $u\leq 0$ for $t\leq \frac k2 T_b$. To get
$u\leq 0$ on the whole time interval $[0, T)$ we choose $k\gt
T/T_b$. ////