Andrew Zimmer
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Office: 611 Van Vleck
e-mail: amzimmer2[at]
[ cv | research | mentoring ]
I enjoy thinking about geometric structures on manifolds, several complex variables, Riemannian geometry, and discrete subgroups of Lie groups.
Publications / Preprints:
Papers by area: all , several complex variables , discrete subgroups of Lie groups .
Publications in Several Complex Variables:
Gromov hyperbolicity of intrinsic metrics from isoperimetric inequalities (with T. Wang ).
Submitted, 44 pages.
Smooth equivalence of families of strongly pseudoconvex domains (with H. Gaussier , X. Gong ).
Submitted, 31 pages.
A rigidity result for proper holomorphic maps between balls (with E. Gevorgyan, H. Wang).
Proceedings of the AMS , 152: 1573-1585, 2024. REU Project!
Unbounded visibility domains, the end compactification, and applications
(with G. Bharali ).
Transactions of the AMS , 376: 5949-5988, 2023.
A metric analogue of Hartogs' theorem (with H. Gaussier ).
Geometric and Functional Analysis , 32: 1041-1062, 2022.
Hankel operators on domains with bounded intrinsic geometry .
Journal of Geometric Analysis , 33: Article number: 176, 2023 (29 pages).
Compactness of the dbar-Neumann problem on domains with bounded intrinsic geometry .
Journal of Functional Analysis , 281: 108992, 2021 (47 pages).
Kobayashi hyperbolic convex domains not biholomorphic to bounded convex domains .
Mathematische Zeitschrift , 300: 1905-1916, 2022.
A lower bound for the K\"ahler-Einstein distance from the Diederich-Fornaess index .
Proceedings of the AMS , 149: 1641-1646, 2021.
Smoothly bounded domains covering compact manifolds .
Indiana University Mathematics Journal , 70: 2653-2676, 2021.
Subelliptic estimates from Gromov hyperbolicity .
Advances in Mathematics , 402: 108334, 2022 (94 pages).
The geometry of domains with negatively pinched K\"ahler metrics (with F. Bracci , H. Gaussier ).
Journal of Differential Geometry , 126: 909-938, 2024.
Asymptotic behavior of orbits of holomorphic semigroups (with
F. Bracci ,
M. Contrears ,
S. Diaz-Madrigal ,
H. Gaussier ).
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées , 133: 263-286, 2020.
Two boundary rigidity results for holomorphic maps .
American Journal of Mathematics , 144: 119-168, 2022.
Homeomorphic extension of quasi-isometries for convex domains in C^d and iteration theory (with F. Bracci and H. Gaussier ).
Mathematische Annalen , 379: 691-718, 2021.
Smoothly bounded domains covering finite volume manifolds .
Journal of Differential Geometry , 119: 161-182, 2021.
The automorphism group and limit set of a bounded domain II: the convex case .
Journal of the London Math. Society , 104: 453-491, 2021.
The automorphism group and limit set of a bounded domain I: the finite type case .
Advances in Mathematics , 366: 107085, 2020 (42 pages).
Characterizing strong pseudoconvexity, obstructions to biholomorphisms, and Lyapunov exponents .
Mathematische Annalen , 374: 1811-1844, 2019.
A gap theorem for the complex geometry of convex domains .
Transactions of the AMS , 370: 7489-7509, 2018.
Generic analytic polyhedron with non-compact automorphism group .
Indiana University Mathematics Journal , 67 (3): 1299-1326, 2018.
Gromov Hyperbolicity of Bounded Convex Domains .
In: Blanc-Centi, editor, Metrical and dynamical aspects of complex analysis , pp. 67-114
Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 2195, New York: Springer, 2017.
Goldilocks domains, a weak notion of visibility, and applications
(with G. Bharali ).
Advances in Mathematics , 310: 377-425, 2017.
Characterizing domains by the limit set of their automorphism group .
Advances in Mathematics , 308: 438-482, 2017.
Gromov hyperbolicity, the Kobayashi metric, and C-convex sets .
Transactions of the AMS , 369: 8437-8456, 2017.
Gromov hyperbolicity and the Kobayashi metric on convex domains of finite type .
Mathematische Annalen , 365: 1425-1498, 2016.
Last updated: November 19, 2024.