The home pages of my daughter, Barbara Schneider, and of her husband, Daryl Caswell.

A picture of me (and a little of my father) at Warsaw Airport (Novmember 1938) about to fly off to Prague and on to Amsterdam. Also the Edinburgh Four in internment on the Isle of Man, summer of 1940. From left to right: Willy Gross, Max Sugar, Hans Gal, Hugo Schneider.

An article on Miriam's experiences in Britain after her arrival on a Kindertransport and look at her picture taken a few years ago.
A review of "Into the arms of strangers" by Mark Harris and Deborah Oppenheimer
An article about Peter's promotion at Disney .
Peter retired from Disney at age 50. And here is an article from the Los Angeles Times on what he did in 2004.
My toast at the Wieck-Schneider family reunion in London in August 2000 in English and (delivered by Miriam) in German.
For the Wieck and Schneider families' homepage with pictures of the 2000 family meeting in London, click Wieck-Schneider.
The group photo of the third Midwest Kindertransport conference held in Madison, April 25 - 27, 2003.

A picture from Miriam's 80th birthdday party on 17 August 2005: 6 violins : Peter (back to camera) announcing a performance by Barbara, Ralph Rabin, Sara Usher, Hiram Pearcy, Michael Wieck and Miriam.
A picture of Barbara and Peter when they met in Los Angeles at the opening of Peter's Musical "Sister Act" in November 2006 and an interview with Peter on the Atlanta production of this musical. Also a review .
A review of the documentary Waking Sleeping Beauty of Peter's years at Disney. And for Doug Moe's interview of Peter and Joan Roach published in the Wisconsin State Journal, 14 December 2010, click Interview.
Some Q&A's on my mathematical life.

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