TeX FAQ for dissertators and advanced TeX students

TeX FAQ for dissertators and advanced TeX students


Questions and Answers

  1. Making figures and labelling them.
  2. Using the showkeys package to make labels visible
  3. Making running heads
  4. A plain TeX mail merge package
  5. A guide to bibliographic utilities
  6. Making complex Commutative Diagrams

How do I make figures easily and label them with TeX fonts and symbols?


How do I make the labels I've assigned to my equations, sections, etc. visible?


Use the showkeys package. Invoke it by putting this in the prologue of your latex file:
Here is an example.

How do I make running heads in a file?


  1. First, change your pagestyle by putting this line in the body of the latex file:
    (if you don't want any heading on a particular page, use:
  2. Then, declare your headings with
  3. Here is an example

Is there a mail merge package for TeX?


Try the autoletter and autolabel files for plain TeX:

What Bibliography utilities are available for use with LateX?


BIBTEX was designed to be used with LaTeX. Here is a handy guide to Bibtex tools. You might also be interested in using bibweb, a perl script for downloading bibtex formatted entries from MathSciNet. You can download the bibweb.dvi manual and a sample file bibwebtest.tex. For the impatient, here is how to process bibwebtest (to create test.bib) on any Math department unix machine:
latex bibwebtest
bibweb bibwebtest

How can I make complex commutative diagrams in LaTeX?


You could use the amscd package (part of amslatex), but Paul Taylor's diagram package works better.