--------------------------------------------------------------------- College Library Printing Services 263-9889 Max width 43.5" Max length 100' (feet!) Charge 2.50/ft^2 (color printing) A0 paper has an area of 10.76 ft^2, so an A0 poster would cost about $26-27 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard poster sizes http://www.prepressure.com/library/papersizes.htm ISO A-sizes The A-sizes are a logical set of paper sizes. The largest size (A0) measures one square meter. The height/width ratio remains constant (1:1.41) for all sizes. This means you get the A1 size by folding an A0 paper in two. Then fold the A1 size in two to get an A2 size paper, and so on... A-sizes are used to define the finished paper size in commercial printing. A4 is used for office documents. A6 is used for postcards. Millimeters Inches Points ht width ht width ht width ------------------------------------------------------------- A0 1189 841 46.81 33.11 3370 2384 A1 841 594 33.11 23.39 2384 1684 A2 594 420 23.39 16.54 1684 1190 A3 420 297 16.54 11.69 1190 842 A4 297 210 11.69 8.27 842 595 ------------------------------------------------------------- ISO B-sizes The same logic from the A-sizes also applies for the B-series, except here the starting point was the dimension of one of the sides, which starts at 1 meter. B-sizes are often used for posters. Millimeters Inches Points ht width ht width ht width ------------------------------------------------------------- B0 1414 1000 55.67 39.37 4008 2835 B1 1000 707 39.37 27.83 2835 2004 B2 707 500 27.83 19.69 2004 1417 B3 500 353 19.69 13.90 1417 1001 B4 353 250 13.90 9.84 1001 709 ------------------------------------------------------------- American paper sizes As far as I know, a lot of businesses in the US still rely on the paper sizes below that come with nice names but no apparent logic behind them. In England a similar system was used but they have already seen the light and switched to the A-sizes. Millimeters Inches Points ht width ht width ht width ------------------------------------------------------------- Letter 279.4 215.9 11.00 8.50 792 612 Legal 355.6 215.9 14.00 8.50 1008 612 Ledger 431.8 279.4 17.00 11.00 1224 792 Tabloid 279.4 431.8 11.00 17.00 792 1224 Executive 266.7 184.1 10.55 7.25 756 522 -------------------------------------------------------------