Advanced LaTeX Short Course (last taught November 6,8,13,15 2006)

Free, cross platform editor for TeX


Web References:

Lesson 1:

Sample Thesis - a large latex example
  • Optional Extras
  • Sample Resume(s)
  • Modern UW Math Letterhead contributed by Michael Schroeder and Seth Meyer. Process this with pdflatex. Consists of two files:
  • Older UW Math Letterhead Use either Wsamp.tex with Wmath.sty or else WXsamp.tex with WXmath.sty. Both style files require W.pdf
  • Form Letter Package

    Lesson 2:

    Graphics and Latex Useful Reference: The LaTeX Graphics Companion by Goossens, Rahtz and Mittelbach.

    Lesson 3:

    Making Slides and PDF presentations The examples below are given in historical order. If you are starting from scratch, you should try the beamer package. Remember that in order to view these properly, you need to create a pdf file from the latex sources and view it with Adobe Acrobat Reader. The Macintosh Preview program will not work. Beamer and PowerDot files should be processed with pdflatex. You will need latex and ghostscript to process the Prosper files. Another alternative to beamer is the powerdot package.
    1. Using the Seminar package to make transparencies. Here are some examples:
    2. prosper Make Power-Point-like presentations with this package
    3. Beamer is the preferred method for creating a PDF (powerpoint like) slide show. You will need a laptop and projector beamer to use it effectively. Here are some examples
    4. Powerdot is another powerful presentation package. Here are some excellent examples by Kyle Novak.
    5. Posters: Use the a0poster or sciposter latex packages to create large posters. Here is another example myposter.tex. Confused about paper sizes. Look at papersizes.txt. The cheapest place to print a color poster in town is The College Library (Helen C. White) which charges $2.50 / ft^2 instead of the usual $8/ft^2. See

    Lesson 4:
