Bob Wilson            Click for Madison Weather: Click for Madison weather!

(Robert L. Wilson, Jr.)


Mathematics Department
480 Lincoln Drive
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin 53706
Phone: (608) 263-5944.
Fax:   (608) 263-8891.

Click here for the Mathematicians of the Day

I retired from UW-Madison in January, 2009. In retirement I am almost never in Van Vleck Hall, the Mathematics building. If you need to meet with me, or just want to tell me something or ask a question, please use the email link above.

Here are a few things that people who visited my website were looking for:

  1. Research Interests
  2. Pictures from Spring 2010 MegaMath Contest
  3. Pictures from Spring 2009 MegaMath Contest
  4. Information on math courses generally, including old exams

Math Department Home Page:

UW-Madison Home Page: