Fall 2009
Meetings: TR 9:30-10:45, Van Vleck B131
Instructor: Benedek Valkó
Office: 409 Van Vleck
Phone: 263-2782
Email: valko at math dot wisc dot edu
Office hours: Tuesday 13:30-14:30 or by appointment
I will use the class email list to send out
corrections, announcements, please check your wisc.edu email
from time to time.
Evaluation: Students taking the course for credit are expected to write up two or three lectures in consultation with the instructor. There will also be (non mandatory) homework exercises.
Course description:
The course is an introduction to random matrix theory. We will
cover results on the asymptotic properties of various random
matrix models (Wigner matrices, Gaussian ensembles, Dyson's
beta-ensemble). We will investigate the limit of the empirical
spectral measure both on a global and local scale.
Prerequisites: Basics in probability theory and linear algebra. Some knowledge of stochastic processes will also be helpful.
The course will not have an official textbook. A couple of useful references: