Workshop on pseudo-Anosovs with small dilatation
24–25 April 2010
Organizers: Jordan Ellenberg and Jean-Luc Thiffeault
From the topological viewpoint, the most interesting
transformations of surfaces are the so-called pseudo-Anosovs,
one of the three types arising from the Thurston–Nielsen
clasification theorem. These stabilize a pair of transverse
foliations, but they change the measure on these foliations by a
positive real factor l,
called the dilatation or expansion constant. For a
given surface, it is known that dilatations are algebraic units, and
that there exists a minimum value. This minimum is related to the
shortest geodesic of Teichmüller flow, so it is an important
number from many points of view: topological, dynamical, algebraic,
and geometrical. Until recently, only one such nontrivial minimum was
known, for a closed surface of genus 2 (Zhirov, 1995). However, in the past few
years there has been a flurry of activity as new tools are developed.
Moreover, the known smallest dilatations are Salem numbers, familiar
to number theorists, which suggests intriguing connections.
This workshop aims to bring together several researchers
interested in this problem for two days of talks and discussions.
Confirmed speakers
Joan Birman (Columbia) |
Spencer Dowdall (Chicago) |
Nathan Dunfield (Illinois) |
Ji-Young Ham (Seoul) |
Eriko Hironaka (Florida State) |
Thomas Koberda (Harvard) |
Erwan Lanneau (Marseille) stuck in Europe! (probably here Sat.) |
Chris Leininger (Illinois) |
Dan Margalit (Tufts) |
Chia-Yen Tsai (Illinois) |
Kyle Armstrong (Florida State) |
Nigel Boston (Wisconsin) |
Phil Boyland (Florida) |
Michael Childers (Wisconsin) |
Hao Fang (Iowa) |
Benson Farb (Chicago) stuck in Europe! |
Vaibhav Gadre (Illinois) |
Keiko Kawamuro (Iowa) |
Eiko Kin (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) |
Sarah Matz (Wisconsin) |
Mitsuhiko Takasawa (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) |
Aaron Valdivia (Florida State) |
Please send e-mail to Jean-Luc Thiffeault to
register your attendance.
Accomodations and Travel
We've reserved a block of rooms at the University Inn, near
campus. The rooms are held for arrival on April 23, departure on
April 26. However, you must confirm your arrival and departure
date directly with the hotel. You can do so by calling (800) 279-4881
or (608) 257-4881, and identify yourself as part of the "Math
Department Spring Workshop Block." This must be done before March 23,
2010. We will be covering accommodations for speakers, but you will
need to provide a credit card number to hold the room and for
incidental expenses.
General info on
traveling to Madison.
Getting to the Math Building
The Mathematics Department is in Van Vleck Hall. You can easily walk from University Inn (A) to Van Vleck (B), though be aware that it's uphill all the way. (Ignore Google maps' detour around Bascom Hall at the end of the route: you can easily go left of the Hall.)
The talks will be in room B231, on the B2 level of Van Vleck. This means you have to go down two floors from the entrance.
9:00 |
welcome and introduction |
9:30 |
Joan Birman (Columbia) |
Characteristic polynomials of pseudo-Anosov maps
We will discuss the twin themes of this conference: hyperbolic
3-manifolds of small "complexity", and pA maps of small dilatation.
In the process of trying to understand whether they are related, in
one explicit infinite sequence of examples, we were lead to study the
factorization of the characteristic polynomial of a pA map. We will
explain the relevance of that matter to the title of this workshop,
i.e. pseudo-Anosovs with small dilatation. (Joint work with Keiko
Kawamuro and Peter Brinkmann.)
10:30 |
break |
11:00 |
Ji-Young Ham (Seoul) |
The minimal dilatation of a genus two surface
12:00 |
lunch |
13:30 |
Chia-Yen Tsai (Illinois) |
Asymptotics of least pseudo-Anosov dilatations
Let $l_{g,n}$ be the logarithm of least pseudo-Anosov
dilatations. We will prove in detail that for fixed genus >2,
$l_{g,n}$ converges to zero like $\log |\chi(S)|/|\chi(S)|$. If time
is allowed, we will describe a general method of constructing
pseudo-Anosov mapping classes with small dilatations along some
$(g,n)$-rays such that $l_{g,n}$ converges to zero like $1/|\chi(S)|$
along these rays.
14:30 |
Eriko Hironaka (Florida State) |
Families of small dilatation mapping classes
We will talk about a general method for constructing families
of pseudo-Anosov mapping classes with easily computed dilatations.
This method uses Thurston's theory of fibered faces and
McMullen's Teichmüller polynomials. Our main result supports a
conjecture (suggested by work of Erwan Lanneau and Jean-Luc Thiffeault)
concerning the behavior of smallest dilatations of (orientable) pseudo-Anosov
mapping classes considered as a function of genus.
15:30 |
break |
16:00 |
Thomas Koberda (Harvard) |
Pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms and homology
I will discuss some of the methods and difficulties
involved in trying to understand pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms of a surface
and their dilatations by looking at tractable subgroups and quotients of
the fundamental group of the surface.
17:00 |
discussion and beer |
18:30 |
dinner at Fugu |
9:00 |
Chris Leininger (Illinois) |
Small dilatation pseudo-Anosovs and 3 manifolds I
This is the first of two talks on our theorem which says
that all small dilatation pseudo-Anosovs are obtained as the
monodromies of a finite list of fibered 3-manifolds (up to removing
singularities). In this talk, we will state the main theorem and
explain in detail it's prototype, which is McMullen's construction of
small dilatation pseudo-Anosovs. We will also describe several
corollaries. This is joint work with Benson Farb and Dan Margalit.
10:00 |
Dan Margalit (Tufts) |
Small dilatation pseudo-Anosovs and 3 manifolds II
This is the second of two talks on our theorem that all
small dilatation pseudo-Anosov maps come from a finite list of
3-manifolds. In this talk, we give the idea of the proof. This is
joint work with Benson Farb and Chris Leininger.
11:00 |
break |
11:30 |
Nathan Dunfield (Illinois) |
Hyperbolic surfaces bundles of least volume
Since the set of volumes of hyperbolic 3-manifolds is well
ordered, for each fixed g there is a genus-g surface bundle over the
circle of minimal volume. I will describe an explicit family of
genus-g bundles which we conjecture are the unique such manifolds of
minimal volume. Conditional on a very plausible assumption, I will
show prove that this is indeed the case when g is large. The proof
combines a soft geometric limit argument with a detailed
Neumann-Zagier asymptotic formula for the volumes of Dehn
fillings. The examples are all Dehn fillings on the sibling of the
Whitehead manifold, and one can also analyze the dilatations of all
closed surface bundles obtained in this way, identifying those with
minimal dilatation. This gives new families of pseudo-Anosovs with low
dilatation, including a genus 7 example which minimizes dilatation
among all those with orientable invariant foliations. (Joint work with
John W. Aaber.)
12:30 |
lunch |
14:00 |
Spencer Dowdall (Chicago) |
Dilatations and self-intersections for point-pushing pseudo-Anosov
This talk is about the dilatations of pseudo-Anosovs obtained by
pushing a marked point around a filling curve. After reviewing this
"point-pushing" construction, I will give both upper and lower bounds
on the dilatation in terms of the self-intersection number of the
filling curve. In addition, we will discuss explicit examples and
bound the least dilatation of any pseudo-Anosov in the point-pushing
15:00 |
Erwan Lanneau (Marseille) |
Dilatations of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms and Rauzy-Veech induction
In this talk I will explain the link between pseudo-Anosov
homeomorphisms and Rauzy-Veech induction. We will see how to derive
properties on the dilatations of these homeomorphisms (I will recall
the definitions) and as an application, we will use the
Rauzy-Veech-Yoccoz induction to give lower bound on dilatations.
16:00 |
discussion, beer, tearful goodbyes |
J. W. AABER AND N. M. DUNFIELD, Closed surface bundles of least volume, 2010. Preprint.
J. BIRMAN, P. BRINKMANN, AND K. KAWAMURO, Characteristic polynomials of pseudo-Anosov maps, 2010. Preprint.
P. BRINKMANN, A note on pseudo-anosov maps with small growth rates,
Experiment. Math., 13 (2004), pp. 49-53.
J.-H. CHO AND J.-Y. HAM, The minimal dilatation of a genus-two
surface, Experiment. Math., 17 (2008), pp. 257-267.
S. DOWDALL, Dilatation versus self-intersection number for
point-pushing pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms, 2010. Preprint.
B. FARB, C. J. LEININGER, AND D. MARGALIT, Small dilatation
pseudo-Anosovs and 3 manifolds, 2009.
J.-Y. HAM AND W. T. SONG, The minimum dilatation of pseudo-Anosov
5-braids, Experiment. Math., 16 (2007), pp. 167-179.
E. HIRONAKA, Small dilatation pseudo-Anosov mapping classes coming
from the simplest hyperbolic braid, 2009.
E. HIRONAKA AND E. KIN, A family of pseudo-Anosov braids with
small dilatation, Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 6 (2006), pp. 699-738.
E. KIN AND M. TAKASAWA, Pseudo-Anosovs on closed surfaces having small entropy and
the Whitehead sister link exterior, 2010.
E. KIN AND M. TAKASAWA, Pseudo-Anosov braids with small entropy and the magic 3-manifold, 2010.
E. LANNEAU AND J.-L. THIFFEAULT, On the minimum dilatation of
pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms on surfaces of small genus,
Ann. Inst. Fourier (2010), in press.
C. J. LEININGER, On groups generated by two positive multi-twists:
Teichmüller curves and Lehmer's number, Geom. Topol., 8 (2004),
pp. 1301-1359.
C. T. McMULLEN, Polynomial invariants for fibered 3-manifolds and
Teichmüller geodesics for foliations, Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup., 4 (2000), pp. 519-560.
C. T. McMULLEN, Entropy on Riemann surfaces and Jacobians of finite covers, 2010. Preprint.
H. MINAKAWA, Examples of pseudo-Anosov braids with small
dilatations, J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, 13 (2006), pp. 95-111.
R. C. PENNER, Bounds on least dilatations, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,
113 (1991), pp. 443-450.
W. T. SONG, Upper and lower bounds for the minimal positive entropy
of pure braids, Bull. London Math. Soc., 37 (2005), pp. 224-229.
W. T. SONG, K. H. KO, AND J. E. LOS, Entropies of braids, J. Knot
Th. Ramifications, 11 (2002), pp. 647-666.
W. P. THURSTON, On the geometry and dynamics of diffeomorphisms of
surfaces, Bull. Am. Math. Soc., 19 (1988), pp. 417-431.
C.-Y. TSAI, The asymptotic behavior of least pseudo-Anosov
dilatations, Geom. Topol., 13 (2009), pp. 2253-2278.
R. W. VENZKE, Braid Forcing, Hyperbolic Geometry, and
Pseudo-Anosov Sequences of Low Entropy, PhD thesis, California Institute
of Technology, 2008.
A. Y. ZHIROV, On the minimum dilation of pseudo-Anosov
diffeomorphisms of a double torus, Russ. Math. Surv., 50 (1995),
pp. 223-224.