Course Details:
Instructor: Saverio Spagnolie
Times: MWF 8:50-9:40am and 1:20-2:10pm
Rooms: Van Vleck B115 (morning session) and B139 (afternoon session)
Office hours: MWF 10-11am (VV505)
This semester we will be using as a forum for communication; all class-related discussion will be conducted there so that you can enjoy the collective knowledge of your classmates and instructors. I encourage you to ask questions when you are struggling to understand concepts - you can even do so anonymously.
Course Content:
This course is the third semester of the Calculus Honors sequence developed by the Mathematics Department. The object of the course is to present the subjects of linear algebra and multivariable calculus and the interrelation between their mathematical ideas.
Midterm dates:
Two midterm exams will be held during the evening. Approximate dates are: Wednesday, Oct. 9 and Wednesday, Nov. 13.
Final exam times:
The final exams will be held on Wednesday, 12/18/2013, at 12:25pm-2:25pm (morning session) and 5:05pm-7:05pm (afternoon session). You must attend the final exam period that is assigned to your registered section.
The final grade will be set by scores on homework (10%) two midterm exams (30% each) and on a final exam (30%).
Homework will be assigned weekly. You are allowed (and encouraged) to work with others, but you must turn in your own assignment.
You are expected to attend class regularly. If you cannot attend your section then you can attend the other section, though this is subject to the availability of space in the classroom. There may be pop quizzes that will not be graded, but will help to show you how well you do or do not understand the material.