MATH 222: Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Spring 2021
Course Details:
Instructor: Saverio Spagnolie
Lectures: Asynchronous
Textbook: We will be using an e-textbook. There will be a link on the Canvas page below for the course to sign up for the e-book and related materials.
Course website:
This semester we will be using Piazza as a forum for communication. I encourage you to ask questions there when you are struggling to understand concepts, and to actively participate in helping other students. Many other students will be glad to see their own confusions being discussed!
You can reach the Piazza page for the class through the Canvas link above.
Two notes on Piazza etiquette:
- When asking question on Piazza, it is essential that you ask a precise question and that you give as much as context as possible. For instance, rather than asking: "I'm stuck on Homework Problem 4", explain what you've tried and where exactly you got stuck.
When answering the question of another student, write in a very respectful tone. Written communication can be easy to misunderstand.
Help is available! If you are concerned about your performance in the course, it is best to get extra help as soon as possible.
- Review Workshops: The math tutorial program offers workshops at the beginning of each semester to review the material that you are expected to know. The link provides the schedule.
- Office hours. All office hours will be held on MS Teams. You may attend the office hours of your own TA or of another TA, across all 222 sections! See Canvas for the TA office hour schedule.
- Mathematics Tutorial Program: Free small group tutoring is offered to students who are in danger of getting a D or F, for students who have not had a math course in several years, or for students who are retaking the course. A significant time commitment is required. Any student can apply to the program, but after the first two weeks of the semester, a referral from an instructor is required. Students may apply in room 321 Van Vleck.
- Math Lab: a free, drop-in tutorial program in B227 Van Vleck. Tutoring is available Monday through Thursday from 3:30-8:30PM and Sunday 3:30-6:50PM.
- Tutoring in University Residence Halls: free, drop-in math tutoring is available every evening Sunday-Thursday at various residence halls.
- GUTS: Greater University Tutoring Service offers free small group, individual, and drop-in tutoring at various locations around campus. It is staffed mostly by student volunteers. Stop by their office (333 East Campus Mall, Rm. 4413 to sign up for a tutor or try drop-in tutoring.
- Private Tutors: A list of tutors is available at the link or from the receptionist on the second floor of Van Vleck.
Most of this information was taken from the Getting help in your math class page.
Comments and Concerns
If you have questions, comments, or concerns about this course, I encourage you to first email or speak directly to your TA about them. Sometimes however, you may not feel comfortable raising your concerns with your TA, or you may not be satisfied with their response. If this is the case, here is a summary of various people you can reach out to:
- You should always started by discussing your concern in person or via email with your TA as they will be most knowledgable about your specific situation.
- If unsatisfied, you can discuss your issue with the head TA (Sean Nemetz).
- After that, you can email the professor (Saverio Spagnolie).
- Finally, if you still have concerns that you don't feel have been reasonably addressed, you can raise those concerns with either an Academic Dean or with the math department's associate chair.
The best way to contact anyone in the course is by direct message through Piazza.