Applied Algebra Days 3

Image Courtesy of Joy Wang

Schedule of Talks

Location: Randall Kamien's talk on Friday is the Math Colloquium, in B239 Van Vleck.
On Saturday, Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, The University of Wisconsin
Take the elevator behind Aldo's coffee shop (NE corner) to the 3rd floor.
On Sunday, Van Vleck.

Dates: Apr 29-May 1, 2016

Main Speakers:
Greg Blekherman, Mathematics, Georgia Tech
Zeev Dvir, Computer Science and Mathematics, Princeton
Randall Kamien, Physics, U.Penn
Ezra Miller, Mathematics and Statistical Science, Duke
Emina Soljanin, ECE, Rutgers
Madhu Sudan, Computer Science, Harvard

Contributed Talks:
Zach Charles, University of Wisconsin
Jing Hao, University of Wisconsin
Lalit Jain, University of Wisconsin
Delaram Kahrobaei, CUNY
Joe Kileel, Berkeley
Roy Lederman, Princeton
Daniel Pimentel Alarcon, University of Wisconsin
Jeff Poskin, University of Wisconsin
Naser Talebizadeh Sardari, Princeton
Rainer Sinn, Georgia Tech
Robert Williams, Texas A&M

Nigel Boston, Mathematics and ECE, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Shamgar Gurevich, Mathematics, University of Wisconsin - Madison

See the schedule - the meeting will begin with Randall Kamien's Colloquium in B239 Van Vleck at 4pm on Friday, Apr 29. Coffee and cookies will be served beforehand on the 9th floor of Van Vleck.

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Lowell Center hotel for the Friday and Saturday nights. People funded by us will have their rooms paid for directly at the Lowell Center. If you would like us to book you a room there, please let us know no later than March 27.

There is no registration fee, but please let us know if you plan to attend so that we can order sufficient coffee and snacks.

Funding for U.S.-based graduate students and others is available but is limited.
Please email Nigel Boston at by March 16 to inquire.

This workshop is supported by NSF RTG award DMS-1502553 and by the Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin.