Math 441, Introduction to Modern Algebra - Fall 2005

Nigel Boston

Contact Information

303 Van Vleck Hall.

Telephone: 263-4753.



Office Hours: T 11-12, R 11-12, F 1:15-2:15, or by appointment.


A Concrete Introduction to Higher Algebra, 2nd edition, by Lindsay Childs

Course Overview

This is a first course on modern algebra, with an emphasis on concrete structures. It serves two purposes: (1) a stepping stone to Math 541 (Modern Algebra) for those wanting to take that course and (2) a course that enables the prospective secondary school teacher to understand modern algebra at a more advanced level.

Grading Policy

Homework will be set every Thursday and due the following Thursday. You are encouraged to discuss the exercises with your classmates but the work you hand in should be your own. You will be expected to read the sections of the book to be covered in advance of class. Homeworks will consist of some with answers at the back of the book and others that will be graded.

There will be two in-class exams during the semester, covering respectively Chapters 1-8 and Chapters 9-15. These will be worth 25% each and the final worth 35%. I do not intend to give make-up exams.


Course Schedule

Homework Assignments