Math 341, Linear Algebra - Fall 2007

Nigel Boston

Contact Information

303 Van Vleck Hall.

Telephone: 263-4753.



Office Hours: T 2:30-3:30, W 9:30-10:30, R 11-12, or by appointment.


Linear Algebra, Gateway to Mathematics, by Robert Messer

Course Overview

Background and Goals: This course is part of a group of transitional courses for math majors. These courses are meant to provide instruction on how to write and understand proofs, while covering similar topics as Math 340. It is also recommended for those students in the sciences and engineering who want to have a more theoretical understanding of linear algebra. After completing Math 341, students should be prepared to take proof-based courses at the 5XX level. This course is designated a "writing-intensive" course.

Alternatives: Math 340 for less theoretical students, Math 375 for Honors students as part of the calculus sequence.

Content coverage:

Grading Policy

Homework will be set every Thursday and due the following Thursday. You are encouraged to discuss the exercises with your classmates but the work you hand in should be your own. You will be expected to read the sections of the book to be covered in advance of class. Homeworks will consist of some with answers at the back of the book and others that will be graded.

Since this is a writing-intensive course, writing of proofs will be assigned for homework and two homeworks will be handed back for rewriting. There will be a midterm during the semester. I do not intend to give make-up exams.

Homeworks will count for 35% of the final grade, the midterm for 25%, and the final exam for 40%.

The midterm will be held on Tuesday, October 23, in class. The final will be on Tuesday, December 18, at 12:25pm (in the usual room, B119 Van Vleck).


Course Schedule

Homework Assignments
