Betsy Stovall
Professor of Mathematics
Letters and Science Mary Herman Rubenstein Professor
AMS Associate Secretary for the Central Section

(betsy on left, triceratops on right)
- My research is in harmonic analysis, with an emphasis on operators for which curvature plays an important role. Links to preprints can be found on my Research Page
- Analysis in Madison:
- Our weekly seminar meets 4-5pm Tuesdays in B139 Van Vleck. Schedule
- In Spring 2022, our weekly RTG/Student seminar meets 11am-1pm in VV B211. I am co-organizing with Xianghong Gong.
- I am PI on an NSF RTG grant in Analysis and PDE in Wisconsin. More information can be found on our RTG webpage
- In Summer 2022, I am co-organizing an undergraduate summer school in Analysis with Jack Burkart, Michael Jesurum, and Andrew Zimmer. More information can be found here
- Teaching
- Spring 2022: Co-organizer Graduate Analysis Seminar 11-1 Fridays in B211
- Past teaching
- Some conference-type webpages
- Contact information: