Home Page - Joel W. Robbin

Mathematics Department,
University of Wisconsin,
Madison, Wisconsin 53706
Department Phone: (608) 263-3054.
Department Fax: (608) 263-8891.
Email: robbin@math.wisc.edu

Some talks and notes.

Old Courses:

I was the course supervisor for Math 112 (College Algebra.) Here is a modified version of the Stitz Zeager textbook which we used in that course and the zip file of the tex source. Here is a Plan for a Technology Enhanced redesign of that course.



Matrix Algebra 
Using MINImal MATlab

Read the preface The publisher is AK Peters. There are a few errata: (LaTeX), (PostScript). Here are the .m files from the book. (The bug in gj.m is fixed.) Try MINIMAT. (It's a big Java applet, so be patient while it downloads over the net.) You can download the whole MINIMAT program, (Java Version), or if you prefer to use MatLab, download just the mfiles. You can read the MINIMAT Reference Manual. (The manual is inculded in the download of the whole program, but you might want to read the section on running MNINMAT on your own computer before you download.) Try MINIMAT. (It's a big Java applet, so be patient while it downloads over the net.) You can download the whole MINIMAT program, (Java Version), or if you prefer to use MatLab, download just the mfiles. You can read the MINIMAT Reference Manual.