Applications of Algebra and Geometry (Special Session) |
Information Main Conference: Fall Central Sectional Meeting
Location: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. Our session: Talks will take place Saturday and Sunday in room 483, Van Hise Hall. Algebra and geometry are becoming increasingly popular tools to develop new techniques for applications. Such techniques have found success in numerous fields including chemical and biological reaction networks, robotics and kinematics, statistics and data science, and economics. This session features speakers on advances in the theory of algebraic techniques as well as practitioners throughout math, science, and industry. Schedule:Reception: The university will host a reception on Saturday, September 14th from 6:45-8:00 pm following the Erdos Memorial Lecture. The reception will be held at Gordon Dining and Event Center, 770 W. Dayton Street. Remarks:
(0) The rooms have HDMI connections to the projector.
A laptop will not be provided.
Mac users please bring your own dongles as there will not be extras at the meeting.
If your laptop is older and uses VGA you will need to bring the appropriate adaptor. Unordered list of speakers: Taylor Brysiewicz (TAMU)Tim Duff (GT) Benjamin Hollering (NCSU) Zehua Lai (U of Chicago) Julia Lindberg (UW Wisconsin) Maddie Weinstein (UC Berkeley) Polly Yu (UW Madison) Elise Walker (TAMU) Mireille Boutin (Purdue) Michael Burr (Clemson) Elizabeth Gross (University of Hawaii--Manoa) Anton Leykin (GT) Jonathan Hauenstein (Notre Dame) David Kahle (Baylor) Joe Kileel (Princeton) Greg Ongie (U of Chicago) Elisa Perone (MIT) Mark Plecnik (Notre Dame) Frank Sottile (TAMU) Sara Jamdshidi Zelenberg (IIT) Organizers Jose Israel Rodriguez (University of Wisconsin - Madison). Shamgar Gurevich (University of Wisconsin - Madison). --> Important information for speakers1. Blackboards or whiteboards will not be available, but the room will be equipped with a computer projection system and screen (but not a computer). 2. The rules of AMS do not allow a Speaker to present the same talk in multiple Special Sessions at this conference. List of other special sessions.
3. Talks will be 18-20 minutes followed by 10-minute breaks (At 18 minutes, a signal will be given if desired). 4. Abstracts are kindly encouraged to be submitted here soon after accepting the invitation. 5. The Special Session number is TBD. 6. All participants, including speakers and organizers, must register for the meeting and pay the registration fee. 7. Housing reservation information is here. Extra Links SIAM AG Activity Group.