Wayfinding With Jack

Part 1: Background

Wayfinding has 3 parts

  1. GPS
  2. Map data
  3. Route calculation

Wayfinding apps have 2 main uses:

  1. Help you when you forget to count blocks
  2. Keep you headed in the right direction

This sound file shows how the wayfinding app, in this case BlindSquare, describes the intersection I am approaching and then tells me which direction I am facing after I turn: Demo.mp3.

Other things wayfinding apps can do for you:

  1. Calculating routes, Turn by turn directions
  2. marking locations
  3. finding destinations

Some notes on safety:

Part 2: Wayfinding Apps

The sound files I link to below are examples of me approaching the same intersection and making a right turn with each of the wayfinding apps running on my iPhone.

Compass app

The compass app is installed by default in all iPhones.


Goodmaps Outdoors


  1. Ariadne GPS: could not get it to speak, apparently you have to touch the screen to use it; no updates since 2014.
  2. IMove Around: Announces address, heading, and speed as you walk; does not announce upcoming intersections, about screen has contact link for developers.
  3. Seeing Assistant Move: Very detailed descriptions of intersections, does not announce upcoming intersection, does not give heading, no obvious way to submit bug reports.
  4. Nav by ViaOpta: provides accessible map but does not speak, some unlabeled buttons.