Pathfinder Spells

Alleviate Corruption


You combat the rising corruption (see page 14) in another creature or advance the long-term process of exorcising it entirely. This spell has two purposes, and you choose which application to use at the time of casting. Combat Corruption: Each time a creature fails a saving throw to prevent its corruption from progressing (as described in that corruption's Progression section), it advances to the next corruption stage-at stage 3, it loses the battle against its corruption. Using this spell can lower the target's corruption stage by 1. This has no effect if the target isn't at progression stage of 1 or higher. Remove Corruption: You can remove 1 manifestation level from the target creature, as well as the most recently acquired manifestation and its corresponding gift and stain. Doing this also reduces the power of gifts and stains that vary based upon manifestation level. This application of alleviate corruption doesn't reduce the target's corruption stage. If the target creature loses all manifestation levels, it is cured of the corruption. Either application of the spell requires a caster level check. The DC is equal to 10 + double the target's manifestation level + 3 times the target's corruption stage (effectively 0, 3, or 6, since stage 3 removes the character from player control). Tampering with corruptions is dangerous, as their nature is contagious. If you fail this caster level check by 5 or more, you contract the corruption and gain a manifestation (the rules for the useful and vile corruption variants still apply). A roll of natural 1 on the caster level check is an automatic failure. If you already have the same corruption, you must instead attempt an immediate saving throw against it. Casting alleviate corruption on yourself automatically fails, as does casting it on a target who has fully succumbed to a corruption (failed three saving throws against it). A creature can be the beneficiary of this spell only once per week, whether it succeeds or not.

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