Pathfinder Spells
Adjustable Polymorph
- School: transmutation/polymorph ()
- Level: alchemist 4, bard 4, magus 4, shaman 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, summoner 4, witch 4, psychic 4
- Casting time: 1 standard action
- Components: V, S, M (a small piece of doppelganger flesh)
- Range: Personal
- Targets: you
- Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
- Dismissible: Yes
- Shapeable: No
- Saving throw:
- Spell resistence:
- Source: Advanced Class Guide
This spell functions as alter self, except you can as a swift action alter the disguise (within the limitations of alter self).
For example, you could transform yourself into a halfling, then a lizardfolk, then an elf, and so on. You can change your form a number of times equal to your caster level.
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