71. (with J. Jang) Discrete Coagulation-Fragmentation equations with multiplicative coagulation kernel and constant fragmentation kernel
70. (with G. Shiu, F. Tonioni) Analytic bounds on late-time axion-scalar cosmologies,
Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP)arXiv.
69. (with Z. Wang, Y. P. Zhang) Policy Iteration for exploratory Hamilton--Jacobi--Bellman equations,
Applied Mathematics and OptimizationarXiv.
68. (with Y. Han, W. Jing, H. Mitake) Quantitative homogenization of state-constraint Hamilton--Jacobi equations on perforated domains and applications,
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. arXiv.
(A periodic perforated domain of this paper is featured above).
67. (with J. Qian, T. Sprekeler, Y. Yu) Optimal rate of convergence in periodic homogenization of viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations,
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (MMS)arXiv.
66. (with H. Mitake, Y. Oka) Quenching for axisymmetric hypersurfaces under forced mean curvature flows,
Nonlinearity arXiv.
65. (with H. Mitake) Asymptotic growth rate of solutions to level-set forced mean curvature flows with evolving spirals.
Bull. London Math. Soc.arXiv.
64. (with G. Shiu, F. Tonioni) Collapsing universe before time,
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP)arXiv.
63. (with H. Dong, Tuoc Phan) Nondivergence form degenerate linear parabolic equations on the upper half space,
Journal of Functional AnalysisarXiv.
62. (with G. Shiu, F. Tonioni) Late-time attractors and cosmic acceleration,
Physical Review DarXiv.
61. (with H. Mitake, C. Mooney, J. Xin, Y. Yu) Bifurcation of homogenization and nonhomogenization of the curvature G-equation with shear flows, Mathematische AnnalenarXiv.
60. (with G. Shiu, F. Tonioni) Accelerating universe at the end of time,
Physical Review DarXiv.
59. (with X. Guo) Optimal convergence rates in stochastic homogenization in a balanced random environment
58. (with W. Tang, Y. P. Zhang) Policy iteration for the deterministic control problems -- a viscosity approach,
SIAM Journal on Control and OptimizationarXiv.
57. (with X. Guo) Stochastic integrability of heat-kernel bounds for random walks in a balanced random environment,
Electronic Journal of ProbabilityarXiv.
56. (with Y. Yu) Differentiability of effective fronts in the continuous setting in two dimensions,
International Mathematics Research NoticesarXiv.
55. (with T.-S. Van) Local mass-conserving solution for a critical Coagulation-Fragmentation equation,
J. Differential EquationsarXiv.
54. (with X. Guo, T. Sprekeler) Characterizations of diffusion matrices in homogenization of elliptic equations in nondivergence-form
Calculus of Variations and PDE.arXiv.
53. (with W. Jing, Y. Yu) Effective fronts of polygon shapes in two dimensions,
SIAM journal on Mathematical Analysis arXiv.
52. (with Y. Yu) Optimal convergence rate for periodic homogenization of convex Hamilton-Jacobi equations,
Indiana University Math Journal arXiv.
51. (with Thuy T. Le, Loc. H. Nguyen) A Carleman-based numerical method for quasilinear elliptic equations with over-determined boundary data and applications,
Computers and Mathematics with ApplicationsarXiv.
50. (with J. Jang, D. Kwon, H. Mitake) Level-set forced mean curvature flow with the Neumann boundary condition, Journal Math. Pures Appl.arXiv.
49. (with H. Dong, Tuoc Phan) Degenerate linear parabolic equations in divergence form on the upper half space, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.arXiv.
48. (with Tuoc Phan) On a class of divergence form linear parabolic equations with degenerate coefficients (unpublished, superseded by Paper 49)
47. (with M. Klibanov, Loc H. Nguyen) Numerical viscosity solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi equations via a Carleman estimate and the convexification method,
Journal of Computational Physics arXiv.
46. (with T. Sprekeler) Optimal convergence rates for elliptic homogenization problems in nondivergence-form: analysis and numerical illustrations,
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (MMS)arXiv.
45. Selection problems in Large Deviations in Games under the logit choice protocol,
Minimax Theory and its Applicationspdf.
44. (with D. Gomes, H. Mitake) The large time profile for Hamilton--Jacobi--Bellman equations,
Mathematische AnnalenarXiv.
43. (with H. Mitake, T.-S. Van) Large time behavior for a Hamilton-Jacobi equation in a critical Coagulation-Fragmentation model,
Comm Math Sci.arXiv.
42. (with X. Guo, Y. Yu) Remarks on optimal rates of convergence in periodic homogenization of linear elliptic equations in non-divergence form, SN Partial Differential Equations and ApplicationsarXiv.
41. (with T.-S. Van) Coagulation-Fragmentation equations with multiplicative coagulation kernel and constant fragmentation kernel,
Comm. Pure Appl. MatharXiv.
40. (with W. Jing, Y. Yu) Effective fronts of polytope shapes, Minimax Theory and its Applicationspdf.
39. (with Y. Kim, Son N. T. Tu)
State-constraint static Hamilton-Jacobi equations in nested domains, SIAM journal on Mathematical Analysis. arXiv.
38. (with Y. Giga, H. Mitake)
Remarks on large time behavior of level-set mean curvature flow equations with driving and source terms,
37. (with X. Guo, J. Peterson)
Quantitative homogenization in a balanced random environment,
Electronic Journal of ProbabilityarXiv.
36. (with W. Jing, H. Mitake)
Generalized ergodic problems: existence and uniqueness structures of solutions,
J. Differential EquationsarXiv.
35. (with Y. Giga, L. Zhang)
On obstacle problem for mean curvature flow with driving force, Geometric Flowspdf.
34. (with Y. Giga, H. Mitake, T. Ohtsuka)
Existence of asymptotic speed of solutions to birth and spread type nonlinear partial differential equations, Indiana University Math Journal arXiv.
33. (with W. H. Sandholm, S. Arigapudi) Hamilton-Jacobi Equations with Semilinear Costs and State Constraints, with Applications to Large Deviations in Games,
Mathematics of Operations Researchpdf.
32. (with H. Mitake) On uniqueness sets of additive eigenvalue problems and applications,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.arXiv
31. (with H. Mitake, Y. Yu) Rate of convergence in periodic homogenization of Hamilton-Jacobi equations: the convex setting, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. arXiv
30. (with Y. Yu) A rigidity result for effective Hamiltonians with 3-mode periodic potentials, Advances in Math.arXiv
29. (with H. Ishii, P. E. Souganidis) On the Langevin equation with variable friction.
Calculus of Variations and PDE.pdf
28. (with J. Qian, Y. Yu) Min-max formulas and other properties of certain classes of nonconvex effective Hamiltonians. Mathematische Annalen. arXiv
27. A note on nonconvex Mean Field Games, Minimax Theory and its Applicationspdf
26. (with H. Ishii, H. Mitake) The vanishing discount problem and viscosity Mather measures. Part 2: boundary value problems. Journal Math. Pures Appl.arXiv
25. (with W. Jing, P. E. Souganidis) Stochastic homogenization of viscous superquadratic Hamilton-Jacobi equations in dynamic random environment, Research in the Mathematical Sciences arXiv
24. (with D. Gomes, H. Mitake) The Selection problem for discounted Hamilton-Jacobi equations: some non-convex cases, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan (JMSJ) arXiv
23. (with H. Ishii, H. Mitake) The vanishing discount problem and viscosity Mather measures. Part 1: the problem on a torus. Journal Math. Pures Appl.arXiv
22. (with W. Jing, Y. Yu) Inverse problems, non-roundedness and flat pieces of the effective burning velocity from an inviscid quadratic Hamilton-Jacobi model. Nonlinearity arXiv
21. (with Y. Giga, H. Mitake) On asymptotic speed of solutions to level-set mean curvature flow equations
with driving and source terms, SIAM journal on Mathematical Analysis. arXiv
20. (with S. Luo, Y. Yu) Some inverse problems in periodic homogenization of Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. arXiv
19. (with H. Mitake, A. Siconolfi, N. Yamada) A Lagrangian Approach to Weakly Coupled Hamilton-Jacobi Systems, SIAM journal on Mathematical Analysis. arXiv
18. (with S. Armstrong, Y. Yu) Stochastic homogenization of nonconvex Hamilton-Jacobi equations in one space dimension, J. Differential Equations. arXiv
17. (with H. Mitake) Selection problems for a discount degenerate viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equation, Advances in Math.arXiv
16. (with W. Jing, P. E. Souganidis) Large time average of reachable sets and Applications to Homogenization of interfaces moving with oscillatory spatio-temporal velocity.
15. (with A. Ciomaga, P. E. Souganidis) Stochastic homogenization of interfaces moving with changing sign velocity,
J. Differential Equations. arXiv
14. (with H. Mitake) Weakly coupled systems of the infinity Laplace equations,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.arXiv
13. (with L. C. Evans, O. Kneuss) Partial regularity for minimizers of singular energy functionals, with application to liquid crystal models,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.arXiv
12. (with S. Armstrong, Y. Yu) Stochastic homogenization of a nonconvex Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Calculus of Variations and PDE.arXiv
11. (with S. Armstrong) Viscosity solutions of general viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations,
Mathematische Annalen. arXiv
10. (with S. Armstrong) Stochastic homogenization of viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations and applications,
Analysis and PDE.
9. (with H. Mitake) Large-time behavior for obstacle problems for degenerate viscous Hamilton--Jacobi equations,
Calculus of Variations and PDE.arXiv
8. (with F. Cagnetti, D. Gomes, H. Mitake) A new method for large time behavior of degenerate viscous Hamilton--Jacobi equations with convex Hamiltonians, Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Anal. Non Lineaire.arXiv
7. (with H. Mitake) A dynamical approach to the large-time behavior of solutions to weakly coupled systems of Hamilton--Jacobi equations, Journal Math. Pures Appl.arXiv
6. (with H. Mitake) Homogenization of weakly coupled systems of Hamilton--Jacobi equations with fast switching rates, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.arXiv
5. (with F. Cagnetti, D. Gomes) Convergence of a Numerical Scheme for the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation: a New Approach with the Adjoint Method, Applied Numerical Mathematics.arXiv
4. (with H. Mitake) Remarks on the large time behavior of viscosity solutions of quasi-monotone weakly coupled systems of Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Asymptotic Analysis.arXiv
3. (with F. Cagnetti, D. Gomes) Adjoint methods for obstacle problems and weakly coupled systems of PDE, ESAIM: COCV. arXiv
2. (with F. Cagnetti, D. Gomes) Aubry-Mather measures in the non convex setting, SIAM journal on Mathematical Analysis. arXiv
1. Adjoint methods for static Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Calculus of Variations and PDE.Open access
Undergraduate publications
2. (with Duong M. Duc and Nguyen T. Khai) Critical points of non-C2 functionals, Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 29 (2007), no. 1, 35-68.
1. (with Duong M. Duc and Nguyen T. Khai) Morse-Palais lemma for nonsmooth functionals on normed spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007), no. 3, 921-927.
Unpublished works
1. (with W. Jing, P. E. Souganidis) Homogenization of interfaces moving in spatially random temporally periodic environment. pdf.
Books/Lecture notes
2. Hamilton--Jacobi equations: theory and applications, AMS Graduate Studies in Mathematics
third draft.
For earlier versions, see lecture notes.
1. (with Nam Q. Le, H. Mitake) Dynamical and Geometric Aspects of Hamilton-Jacobi and Linearized Monge-Ampere Equations,
Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 2183, 2017, vii + 228. link
A version (12/2016) of the second part on ``Dynamical properties of Hamilton--Jacobi equations via the nonlinear adjoint method:
Large time behavior and Discounted approximation" of Mitake and myself can be found here
Some new methods for Hamilton--Jacobi type nonlinear partial differential equations pdf.
NSF grant DMS-2348305, 2024-2027.
Vilas Faculty Early-Career Investigator Award, 2022-2024.