Mathematics 421

-- The Theory of single variable Calculus --

  • Instructor: Gloria Mari Beffa
  • Office: Van Vleck Hall 309, ph: 263-1634
  • Lecture: Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30-10:45am, Room 119 Van Hise
  • Syllabus
  • Homework sets
  • Final exams and midterms
  • More information

  • What we are trying to avoid...

    421 421


    Math 421 is a preparatory course for the 5XX-level courses in Analysis. The course introduces students to the writing of proofs in general, and of Calculus proofs in particular. It does so by covering the topics usually found in first and second semester Calculus courses, while teaching students to understand and write proofs for the most relevant Theorems. The course is intended for Math majors and it is labelled writing intensive by the School of Letters and Science.

    This course has a prerequisite of Math 234. You cannot take Math 421 for credit if you took the Honors Calculus sequence


    "Calculus" by Michael Spivak. .

    Office Hours

    This semester's office hours are:
    11-12pm T
    2:30-3:30 R

    Final Exam and midterms

    The first midterm will be February 25, in class.
    The second midterm will be April 7, in class.
    The final exam will take place Monday May 9 at 10:05am, SOC SCI 6240.
