Mathematics 141. Quantitative Reasoning and Problem Solving
Fall 2016, TuTh 1PM-2:15PM in Chamberlin 2241
Instructor Eugenia
Malitsky .
Office: B127 Van Vleck Hall
Web page:
Office Hours: Tue and Thu 11-00-12:30, or by appointment.
Textbook: For All Practical Purposes , by COMAP, 9th Edition
You will need a calculator with some statistical functions, including correlation, for example TI 30 X IIs.
Homework will be due on Tuesdays.
Homework will not be
There will be three midterm exams and a final exam.
No make-up exams.
The lowest midterm exam will be dropped at the end of the semester.
Midterm Exams:
During lecture on
Thursdays October 1, October 29, and December 3.
Final Exam:
Thursday, December 17 at 7:45AM-9:45AM
You are required to attend the final exam.
By registering in this class you agree to be present at the final exam on this date and time.
The final exam is cumulative.
The final grade will be determined by two
midterm exams (90 points each) and the final exam (130 points).
Thus the maximum number of points you can earn is 310.