Mathematics 114. Algebra and Trigonometry

Instructor Eugenia Malitsky
Office: B127 Van Vleck

Web page:

Office Hours: Tue and Thur 11:00-12:30, or by appointment.

Homework: Weekly online homework.

Required Student Material:
1. We will be using MyMathLab Pearson software in this class for the homework and online text.
The course number is: malitsky97338
Here is the link to the website:

Online text used: Precalculus by Sullivan, 10th edition
I strongly recommend that you get a hard copy of the textbook.
2. Non-graphing calculator.

Exams: There will be three in-lecture quizzes and three midterm exams, and a final exam. No "make-up" exams. The lowest quiz and midterm exam will be dropped at the end of the semester. Calculators are not allowed on the exams.

The dates of midterm exams:
We will have three midterm exams in lecture on Thursday October 5, Tuesday October 31, and Thursday November 30.

The dates of quizzes:
We will have three quizzes in lecture on Thursday September 21, Tuesday October 24, and Thursday November 16.

Final exam:
Monday, December 18, 5:05PM-7:05PM
The final exam is cumulative.
By registering in this class you agree to be present at the final exam on this date and time.

Old exams can be found at

The final grade will be determined by the midterm exams (90 points each), quizzes (10 points each), your homework (30 points), and your final grade (130 points).
Thus the maximum number of points you can earn is 360.

Making the most of your Math class:

Getting Help:

If you are having difficulty, first talk to me or your TA. If you cannot come to the scheduled office hours, make an appointment to see me at a different time. Here are some other places you can get help:

Math Tutorial Program:
Free small group tutoring is offered to students who are in danger of getting a D or F, for students who have not had a math course in several years, or for students who are retaking the course. A significant time commitment is required. Any student can apply to the program, but after the first two weeks of the semester, a referral from an instructor is required.To apply
contact: Frank Rooney (320 Van Vleck).

Math Lab:

The Math Lab is an especially good place to go if you have a quick homework question.

Location:  B227 Van Vleck Hall (across from the Mathematics Library)
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 3:30 - 8:30 pm, and Sunday 3:30 - 6:50 pm.
Dates: starting the second week of classes (usually), through the end of the semester.
Cost: Free.

Private Tutoring:

  The Mathematics Department publishes a list of Mathematics graduate students who are willing to tutor students; copies are available on the second floor of Van Vleck Hall, next to the elevators.

Location: Varies; many tutors will meet in Van Vleck Hall: some will meet off-campus.
Cost: Fees vary from tutor to tutor; typical costs are $30 to $40 per hour.