Junior Geometry and Topology in the Midwest
Oct. 13, 2018
University of Wisconsin, Madison

All talks are in B239 - Van Vleck Hall

8:30-9:10 Registration/Breakfast (9th floor Lounge)

9:10-10:00 Asilya Suleymanova (Indiana University)
On the spectral geometry of manifolds with conic singularities

10:00-10:20 Coffee Break

10:20-11:10 Mark Pengitore (Ohio State)
Nilpotent translation-like actions on real, complex, quaternionic, and Cayley hyperbolic spaces

11:10-11:40 Industry Guest Speaker - Mike Cantrell

11:40-2:00 Lunch

2:00-2:50 Alena Erchenko (Ohio State)
Flexibility, negative curvature, and conformal classes

2:50-3:10 Coffee/Cookie Break

3:10-4:00 Burns Healy (UW Milwaukee)
Rigidity properties for hyperbolic generalizations

4:00-4:10 Mini Break

4:10-5:00 Kasia Jankiewicz (University of Chicago)
Cubical dimension of C'(1/6) groups